Chapter 16

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Penelope stands looking at us, with a expression of shock. I scrambled away from Cato, and Penelope winked.

"Don't worry, your secret's safe with me."

I held back a nervous laugh.

She was okay.


"So where would she be at, Lover Boy?" Cato asked Peeta.

"She loves trees. She does a lot with them. So I suspect she's in one."

"No duh!" Marvel exclaimed, sounding a bit like a girl. He noticed and blushed.

"There's a million trees." I pointed out.

"Well, Erm... Never mind." Peeta groaned.

We walked in silence for a bit.

"Water! I hear it!" Penelope yells, and Glimmer starts to run, with the rest of us following behind.

We full our bottles, when I notice a figure across the pond.

I squint, and realize it's Katniss. She's taking a swim, and looks quite comfortable. I gasp, and everyone turns toward me, obviously confused.

"THERE SHE IS!" I yell, and run. The water is quite shallow, and there's rocks everywhere.

Quickly, we make our way to her, running. I look at Marvel and he looks quite amused, and so does everyone else. Except Peeta.

Katniss now realizes the big mob coming towards her.

She gets up and runs. Cato laughs and we are right on her tail.

Swiftly, she climbs a tree. A very tall tree.

I spot her, and throw a knife. It lodges into the wood, right next to her ear.

"Really? Is that the best you can do?" She says in amusement.

Glimmer takes her bow, and launches an arrow.

I want to laugh. She misses, completely. Penelope covers her mouth with her hand, and I imagine snickers coming out of her mouth. Glimmer does nothing but scowl. Cato frowns.

"I'll get her." Cato says.

He starts to climb the tree, trying to reach Katniss' 30 feet height. He fails and the branch snaps. He falls, landing on his back, and a huff of air escapes his lungs.

"Whatever you guys. Just leave her," Peeta says. "She has to get down some point, right?" We all nod. "Well, we will camp here tonight." Cato declared.

That's when we hear another twig snap.

I look around and see a boy standing there. I look at him and remember he's from District Three.

Penelope rushes to him, her sword pressed against his neck.

Don't move, I mouth.

He shows no sign that he agrees, but that's because he's about to get killed.

"Wait! Let him go!" I yell, not even realizing. Penelope sighs and takes her sword away from his neck.

He coughs. "I can help you." His voice is hoarse.

"How?" Cato's curiosity got to him.

"Just trust me. Let me be allies with you."

"Fine." Marvel mutters, and we all set up camp again.

I settle into my sleeping bag, and go to sleep.


SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING! I'm a terrible terrible person. ;)

Anyway, hope you had fun with this chap. c:

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