With every broken bone

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Violence warning ahead.

*Grabs popcorn* I've been wanting to do this scene for a long time. You'll understand when you read.


"You? You're the one who told me to run to the light!" You exclaimed, recalling when you had first seen the light back in the endless corridor. The Fake Lotor, or well, Honerva shrugged.

"That would be correct." Honerva returned carefully. It felt so strange to be looking at Lotor and hearing a woman's voice coming out of his mouth. Then again, this was by far not the weirdest thing you had encountered today.

"So what brings you here, Honerva." You asked lightly, conscious of how to speak to her now. The supposed Queen of the Galra empire, a powerful alchemist and worse, Lotor's Mother. Lotor's face smiled encouragingly.

"Up until this point you have done everything right my dear." She began, talking firmly but tenderly. "You have given my son someone to hold onto, so he won't feel alone in this world. I have found that within every dimension, I failed to be a good mother to him, but then I stumbled upon your timeline. I saw so much potential in you." Honerva explained, the words rushing into the open like water from a broken damn. "You have done so much already, but I must ask one more thing of you Y/N."

Coaxing your head to the side, you raised an eyebrow. "And what would that be exactly?" You prodded, too sceptical to do anything irrational. After what you had just experienced, you felt that wouldn't be out of line.

"As you know, Lotor has always been the one to do everything by himself, and that has worked thus far, but for now, that isn't enough. You need to make this decision for him. You have to go back and change the coming Future." Honerva explained clearly. She said it so calmly, as if she were simply suggesting you use a dagger at close range rather than a pistol. It caught you off guard.

"What in the name of Galra are you on about?" You questioned, head already spinning from all this new information.

"Please, you have to trust me on this, time is running out. You have been in this place before, for years now. You live out different routes. You forget everything before starting over. You fall in love again and again, but at this point in your story, you always ignore my warnings. You always end up either in the witch's control or at the mercy of Voltron. Promise me you'll do as I instruct." Honerva pleaded, standing up straight once again.

"Say I agree, then what?" You pried, your expression weary as Honerva in Lotor's body began to pace. It was a strange sight. She looked like the Prince in appearance, but she didn't move like him in the slightest. It was clear she was used to shorter legs judging by the way she used smaller, quicker steps rather than Lotor's ridiculously long strides.

"Do you recall that memory thread you plucked from the barrier?" She remarked, pausing to glance at you. You nodded. "Well, you are going to use that to jump back. None of this would've ever happened-"

"Wait, I'll jump back how far exactly?" You cut in, panic tightening your stomach. Honerva pressed a hand to her chin, tapping it lightly with her index finger.

"I am not entirely sure, since I have only dimension jumped," she caught sight of your horrified expression before quickly adding, "but it shouldn't be more than a varga back in time. From there, you must do everything within your power to escape. Protect him, and don't fall back into the void or you'll have to live through everything all over again." For a long moment, you said nothing. Carefully, you pulled the smoky wisp from beneath your armour. It curled and twisted in your grip like a snake. Who would've known one act of defiance was all it would take to give you a second chance.

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