Hope if everybody runs

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You felt yourself freeze into place as the 'Voltron' people neared. Helmets obscured your view of their faces but you could tell you had their undivided attention. Thankfully, they stopped a respectful distance away. Silence descended. No one moved for a few ticks. Everything in your being was tense. Then the Prince spoke up.

"It has been a while Paladins." He greeted them warmly as if they were old friends. You stiffened. Weren't the paladin's supposed to of been the Galran people's enemy. They'd killed the Emporer for spaceship sake; Lotor's father. Why in quiznack was he being friendly?

"Yes, I trust you are live and well." The pink armoured paladin replied. Judging by her voice and the way she held herself she was a woman of noble blood. You couldn't quite place her race though thanks to your limited galaxy knowledge and her armour. Eyes trained on the ground in front of you, you felt your tail twitch as she stepped closer. Your claws sprang from their pads against your will. The pink warrior flinched violently. Her scent reeking of fear. Another silence fell.

The warrior in black was the next to speak. "Who's this then?" Unlike the first, he spoke with a great level of hesitance. Lotor motioned in your general direction, never once taking his eyes off of the pink paladin.

"This is Shadow, my..."

"Babysitter." Blue chippes in, sounding saltier than a sardine. You let out a low growl. Even with his helmet, you could tell he was smirking. The red paladin behind him knocked him upside the head in response, with a gloved hand.

"Watch your tongue." You snarled harshly. The command came out sharp and stern, but you didn't feel it. There was something familiar about blue. His scent...you knew it from somewhere. Lotor cleared his throat, instantly regaining your attention.

"She's trustworthy if that is what you're getting at Allura." Lotor finished. Allura nodded slowly, then motioned to the colossal building towering off into the distance. You hadn't payed much attention to it before now, but it seemed to resemble those old stone homes back on earth with the water running around the outside that you'd sometimes seen Hunk looking at on his moving screen. This one however was far larger and much more breathtaking.

"Shall we?" Allura prompted. Lotor nodded and strode towards her. They link arms and begin walking swiftly towards the building. Silently, you watched their backs growing smaller. A feeling of confusion flickering into life in your stomach. It seemed you'd been kept in the dark on more things than you realised.

You turned your attention to the paladin's staring you down. Each had a weapon of some sort pointed at you. There were five of them in total. Only one female by the smell of things, a grown man and the rest were adolescent males. Even with their tinted helmets, you could feel their eyes glaring daggers at you. You smelt uncertainty and hostility in their scents, but more than anything, they seemed generally curious. Still feeling drained from the episode a few moments ago with the boulder, you don't seem to have the energy for any smart remark or move.

"What the hell even are you?" Blue questions, motioning to your entire being with his gun. Your claws twitch but you didn't unsheath them.

"Looks like some kind of Galra to me." Red hissed back, his voice brimming with malice.

"If so, she's some kind of hybrid." Green confirmed. "No Galra I've ever seen looks quite like that. Too much F/C, and those markings, extraordinary..." Placing a hand on your hip, you twitch your tail in irritation.

"I'm right here you know." You snarled mercilessly. Your eyes moved to Yellow, who hasn't said anything this entire time. The adolescent behind the helmet tensed beneath your harsh gaze but didn't make to fire at you.

Unexpectedly, Black took a cautious step towards you, drawing your attention away from Yellow. The Black Paladin's once glowing arm was now dim as he strode casually up to you. He reeked of the Empire, or was it just that mechanical prosthetic of his. Something seemed off about him none the less.

"Well Shadow, it's nice to meet you." He stated warmly as he held out a gloved hand to you. Tilting your head, you carefully take it in your's. Your hand dwarfed his by a few inches. He shook your hand in the kind of way Hunk's dad had with strange males at the front door. Black let go first.

"Shall we." Blue prompted, bowing at the waist as he motions to where the prince and pink paladin were heading. You have a feeling he was mocking you as you held your head high and marched passed him. Not daring to look back, you could still feel their weapons trained on your back. None the less, you don't retract your claws either. Just in case.

~Time Skip~

Once inside the building, you were led to a spacious room of your own to freshen up while Lotor talked with the paladin's. The bedroom Green had left you in had an attached bathroom and a balcony which instantly put your cupboard quarters to shame.

Washing your face in the sink, you managed to clean and redress your wounds without too much difficulty. Changing quickly, you found yourself much more at ease in the less revealing attire. Surprisingly, the clothes Green had layed out for you fitted reasonably well. The outfit consisted of a black, short sleeve top with knee length shorts and ankle boots. Tugging your H/C locks into a high ponytail (ignore if too short) you tucked your helmet under your arm and exited the room.

The hallways beyond your room were pure white and lit with blue lights. Sure, you could see easily, but it was incredibly difficult to navigate. Following Lotor's scent through the maze of corridors, it didn't take long for you to find the control room. Inside, the Prince was discussing tactics with Allura while the paladin's had changed out of their armour. You couldn't tell them apart now without their colours though.

"Ah, Shadow." Allura greeted warmly. Ignoring her, you continued to scope out your surroundings. Nothing dangerous by the looks of things. You turn to the smiling Altean. "I would like to introduce you to the paladins." She continued cheerfully. You nodded slowly. "This is Shiro..." The man with the prosthetic arm waved in your direction. "Pidge." The shorter female didn't even bother to look up from her laptop. Instead only nodding at the screen as a sign of greeting. "Lance." Who gave you a wink. You instantly recognise him as the blue paladin. "Keith." Another cold shoulder. "And Hunk." Your ears shot up at that name. Allura frowns. "Is there something wrong Shadow?" You are no longer paying attention to her as you scan the room.

"Hunk?" You repeat. Then your gaze fell on him. The boy is smiling back at you warmly as he met your gaze. He was the same boy you remembered. That orange bandana you adored playing with was still tied around his forehead. His eyes still as warm and welcoming as you remembered. You yearned to leap at him and meow, but you are no longer the same feline you where back then. You'd changed in more ways than one.

"That's me." He confirmed, grinning back at you. Your tail flicked behind you hopefully as your claws dug into the helmet at your hip. Why can't you speak? You hissed go yourself mentally.

"D-do you know who I am?" You question your voice hopeful. He raised an quizzing eyebrow in response.

"Shadow?" Hunk said with uncertainty. Your heart plummeted. Ears flat against your H/C locks, your tone loses its excitement.

"N-no...Y/N. To you, I'll always be Your Name." You corrected gently, trying to not let him in on your diminishing hope. He stared back at you for a moment. His features blank. Another long silence followed.

Hey there,
Alright, quick moment here. I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. I hope this chapter is good enough. Feel free to point out any mistakes or typo's I've made. Please bare with me and I'll start picking up the pace. Thank you all so much for all the reads and votes. It makes me so happy to know that people are enjoying this fanfic.

Secondly, *clears throat*


And breathe. I haven't watched it yet, but I am soon. I'm so excited. I hope lotor isn't...I won't say anything in case someone hasn't watched season 6 yet.😁

That's all for now. I hope you all have amazing days/nights.


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