Hope when the water rises

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Uniform above minus Narti


It'd been two years, and you have finally been deemed ready. After months of grueling training and history lessons, you'd finally gotten used to this strange body. You're pretty sure your tutor was crazy as an added bonus. That slogan of her's seems to be repeatedly burnt into my mind's eye. "Knowledge is pain." Sure it was true, but definitely not an envious pass time. By far you loved Kal's training the most. He seemed to have a soft spot for you and constantly thanked you for ending his beating the day you met. He was just such an easy Galra to be around, and if you were being honest with yourself, you might not of made it this far without him.

During those two years however, Zarkon, the Galra's leader, had fallen to a group of rebels known as Voltron. While his death was a shock to the soldiers, the real question was, who would take his place? That was when Zarkon's son, Lotor, took the throne. Not that you'd seen or spoken to him much before his Father was killed. Life in the Empire had been stable ever since, but you'd heard talk about the rebels once again gathering. Time was of the essence.

Currently, you were stationed outside the witch's room. Silently waiting for some kind of signal to enter. You had skillfully stationed your form within the shadows of the hallway. Your presence on the ship had not been announced to the rest of the ship, so it was preferred that you remained far from prying eyes. Not that you minded, being sneaky felt like second nature now a days. So much so that you found yourself melting into the shadows as if you'd been doing it your entire life. It was just habit at this point. It didn't help that your new name was Shadow-the Galra never found out your first name; probably for the best. 

To be honest, you hadn't really thought about Hunk very much in the years past. His poor mother, hopefully he's home by now. Safe and sound, and you could join them, just as soon as you got out of this place. If you were being entirely honest with yourself, you felt betrayed. So much so that you often forced thoughts of Hunk to the back of your mind. A figure of your past you can never quite erase. No matter how many history lessons nor Galran genes you were given. You still loved him though. He had been like the older brothers you had never known. Now he was gone, taken from you like the old you. 

"Enter Shadow." Haggar's low, rough voice ordered from within your mind. To your left, the steel sliding doors began to open The near silent hallway was filled with a soft grating noise as they slid apart. Standing up a little straighter, you shifted your grip on the knife in your belt. Inhaling sharply, you then pivoted and marched towards the doors. You head bent towards the floor so your hood would hide your features in shadows.

The Witch stood centrally within a large, golden star painted onto the floor. The room was so dark, you could barely make out much besides her glowing golden eyes within the gloom. Once your gaze met her's, you didn't dare look away. Haggar moved with purpose as she kept eye contact with you. On silent feet, she inched towards you. Never out of the star, but close enough for you to feel uncomfortable.

"Shadow, you are to look after the Prince." The hag began, voice smooth and emotionless. The fur on the back of your neck stood up as she spoke. "You are to accompany him everywhere. Protect him with your life and be at his side when the world turns against him."

"Yes Haggar." You recited, bowing in respect.

"Now listen carefully girl. Stay low, you must earn Lotor's allies' trust, and wait for the droid to activate. Only then may you return home peacefully." Haggar declared. You nodded your understanding again. Eyes glued to the floor. "Good. Now get out." The witch hissed happily.

"Vrepit sa." I recited. Haggar doesn't return the phrase.

As you exit the Witch's room, a Galran servant handed you a uniform and pointed you in the direction of somewhere to change. Glancing down at your casual attire of stolen Earth jeans and a loose purple shirt, you quickly decided changing was for the best.

Locking the door to your quarters, you moved over to the mirror. It wasn't dusty anymore, while you'd managed to scavenge a new surface from one of the spare rooms. Looking over your new clothes. You took in what could only be a guards uniform of some sort. Maybe a Generals? Shrugging it off, you discarded your old clothes and quickly changed. You frowned at your reflection as your twisted within the tight outfit. It definitely showed too much skin to be a soldiers armour. You'd never seen anyone around the ship wearing this type of uniform before, but you could tell it was Empire material. Shaking away the questions, you pulled on the helmet, shoving your dagger into your new belt before exiting the room without a sound.

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