Hope that you fall in love

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You were woken up ridiculously early the next morning to loud crashing sounds and a high pitched voice screeching at the top of its lungs. Sitting bolt upright in bed, your talons gripped tightly onto the bedsheets around you as a cold sweat coated your fur. Ears pressed firmly to your hair, you rubbed a weary hand over your newly opened eyes. The room was pitch black as you swung your legs over the side of the bed. Judging by the light streaming in from under the door, the hallway lights were on. Unsteadily, you attempt to stand.

"EVIL NEVER SLEEPS AND NEITHER SHOULD YOU! GET UP!" Coran cried from the other side of the door. The sound of pots and pans being banged violently against one another grew clearer as a shadow passed under the door. Then it slowly began to fade as the Altean ventures down the hallway to the other's bedrooms. You let out a gentle sigh of relief.

"I guess I'm up then." You mumbled to yourself as you stretched. Staggering towards the door, you watched it glide open slowly with half open eyes. Scooping the clothes up from the corridor floor, you quickly checked that Coran has gone and disappear back into your room.

Laying out today's outfit on your badly made bed, you found a small note tied with a lilac ribbon tucked into the pocket of the waist coat.

Wear this to tie back your hair while you're training.

Turning the note over in your hands, you sighed and put it to one side. Wearing the ribbon wouldn't exactly kill you, besides, Allura had stollen your last hair tie last night.

Changing quickly into the black jeans, purple short-sleeve shirt, trainers and sleeveless jacket, you carefully tied the ribbon into your hair. After grabbing your hand gun and a dagger, you slipped out of your room. Last night, you'd asked Pidge to show you around the castle, so hopefully you still remembered the route to the training rooms. That is if your memory serves you right.


Lotor P/O/V

The banquet hall was reasonable quiet when Lotor finally emerged from his room. He was the first to enter the banquet hall despite Coran's wake up call still ringing throughout the castle. Silently, the Prince meandered around the vast hall, running a lazy eye over the high walls and various portraits. Nothing seemed to really catch his eye, so he decided to take a seat at the already set table. It wasn't long before the rest of the ship's inhabitants began to file in.

"Wait, where's Shadow?" Pidge pointed out as she motioned to the empty chair between Hunk and Lotor. The latter who only shrugged and continued to eat his edible goo. Lotor didn't feel the need to care or dwell on where the witch's creation was. Shadow had proven yesterday, that she could take care of herself impeccably well. Maybe a little too well.

"You're right." Hunk replied thoughtfully as he glanced around the banquet hall for his old pet. "And that cat never misses a meal." He concluded. A short silence fell on the room that was filled with only the clinking of cutlery against plates. Then the 'gorgeous man' spoke up.

"Paladins, I have the answer." Coran declared proudly from his seat beside Allura. Lotor felt the room hold in a collective groan as he observed the male down the table. "You see, when I was waking you all up, I must not have been loud enough outside of the mutant's room to wake her. Poor girl must have had a tiring day yesterday. But no need to panic." With a dramatic flourish, the Altean pulled two brass frying pans out from under the table. How had he even put them there without anyone noticing? "For I, Coran, will have that sleepy head down here in a jiffy."

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Lotor stated in a bored tone between spoonfuls of food. "I've heard from Kal that she never stops complaining if you wake her up before she's ready." Pulling a face at his general's empty chair, the Prince made no further attempt to persuade the Altean. Beside him, Lotor noticed Hunk frowning but didn't comment on it.

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