I did it all

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Hi! I'm not dead yet, and I'm back baby! Coran, Coran the medical man! I hope this chapter is up to scratch, I'm just still crying over season 8. Enjoy.


Lotor P/O/V

The Prince knocked lightly on the door to the infirmary. "Bare with me one wheezily tick, just cleaning out one of the healing pods. Radiation everywhere and all." A short pause followed. Patiently, Lotor waited. He had just returned the knife to its fuming owner and received an earful from Allura about concealing Shadow's abilities from the others. If anything, he needed a drink and sleep, but now was not the time. He had to prepare for Oriande, no matter how tired he was. 

The double doors glided open to reveal a grinning Coran in a puffy, radiation suit. Well the bodice was that of a radiation suit, while the top half was just hair net pulled down over his mustache and chin. "Please step into my office." The Altean declared as he stepped aside with an air of bravado. Biting the inside of his lip to keep from smiling, the Prince nodded and ducked into the room. 

Since Coran had got him out of the healing pods before he was fully healed, the Altean frequently checked up on his health. Taking care of any new injuries as well as checking up on the old ones. It was also a chance for Lotor to relax and get away from giving orders and being a Prince. You see, despite their differences, the pair got on pretty well with one another. 

As Coran closed the door behind him, Lotor lazily cast his gaze around the Infirmary. It seemed Coran had been in the middle of a project, judging by the mess. Piece of space suit were strewn across the floor, along with a multitude of weapons and tools as well as many blue prints. 

"Looks like you've been busy." The Prince commented as he gingerly picking his way over the carnage towards the table. Coran only laughed.

"Yeah, I've been looking to update the paladins suits, so they can join you in Oriande." The Altean explained, as he followed the Prince across the room, one gloved hand twiddling his moustache. Lotor nodded as he listened. "Speaking of Oriande, will Shadow been joining in on the mission? Her new found ability could come in handy." Coran pointed out as he cleared some space for the Prince to put his bayard and outer armour.

"I'm not so sure. We don't know how her body will react to the quintessence. All that energy could have negative impacts, so I think she should hang back and help you around the ship." Lotor explained as he did as instructed, while tying up his hair to keep it out of the way. 

"I see, leaning towards the 'leaving them behind to protect them' tactic. Very original." Coran stated enthusiastically, striding towards one of the open healing pods. If it was anyone else, Lotor would've thought they were being sarcastic, but come on, this was Coran. As he the Altean began tinkering with the machines settings, he continued. "All I'm going to ask is, will she accept it? Your decision I mean?"

"You know how stubborn that creature is." Lotor chuckled with an easy smile. He thought of when you had tried to go and help Kal on your own. A twinge of something tightened in the Prince's chest as he thought of his old friend. 

"Tell me about it," Coran replied, a hint of amusement in his tone. Lotor quickly shoved all thoughts of Kal to the back of his mind, emotions wouldn't get him anywhere. Coran continued, but his tone send goosebumps up Lotor's forearms. "I have a feeling however, that that stubbornness is also what caught your attention."

The temperature instantly rose in the Prince's cheeks, despite his best efforts to hide it. Another set of emotions he had to bottle up. "What are you implying exactly?" He ordered, eyes narrowed as he observed the smirking Altean. 

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