And it hurts so bad

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I'm sorry, but I can't get over that picture. He looks so fricking adorable. 😍 I love it, send help. Okay, I'm done now. Enjoy the chapter.


It was a few days before the Castle of Lions finally began to near its destination for the parade. During of which, everyone was in the control room and focusing on plans for the celebrations ahead and possible activities to do on this new planet. All was going reasonably well. You'd managed to get your paws on a warm drink and steal one of the paladin's chairs without anyone even noticing you'd entered the room. You'd just finished training, so you were tired enough as it was without any added duties on top. After carefully coming to the conclusion you didn't need to take part in this conversation, you layed back over the arms of the chair and closed your eyes to try and catch a quick nap.

"Alright, so we have to come up with disguises for Lotor and Shadow, since the locals are not big fans of the Galra right now." Pidge pointed out from across the room. You heard her turn and begin walking towards you. She paused. You smelt someone close to you perhaps a few moments too late. A hand grabbed your steaming cup from your hands as the chair tips forwards. You yelp. Rolling on impact, you stand up quickly, glaring daggers at the male now sitting in your seat like it was a throne and drinking your drink.

"Oh you fricking son of a witch." You hissed under your breathe. Lotor only smirked before waving you off with a dismissive hand. " Give it back Lotor." You prodded, arms crossed.

"Na, it tastes good. Go get your own." He fired back, his eyes practically laughing at you. You're about to retaliate when the blue paladin stepped purposefully between you. His eyebrows raised in a knowing look.

"Anyways, can you do that camelion thing that Allura and Coran can do?" Lance pressed as he turned to the Prince. Lotor shrugged.

"As far as I know, no." He replied in a bored tone. Taking another sip of your drink as he watches your reaction over the rim of the cup. Turning away, you found the closest chair and sat down there instead.

"Well, I know that Hunk has some food dye." Allura declared happily from her place by the Black Paladin's chair. Lazily, you ran an eye over her delicate frame and seemingly endless grace. You had to look away.

"Why not foundation instead? It'll last longer." The Red Paladin spoke up, his tone soothing. You couldn't help but smirk at the thought of Lotor with either baking powder or make up on his face. It wouldn't exactly look bad, but it would be something to tease him about later if he ever overstepped the line. Speaking of the Prince, he caught your eyes again, a slightly scared glint in those beautiful gunmetal blue orbs. Your smirk only grew.

"Where are you even going to get that?" You pointed out. "I know Hunk's Mother used that stuff to paint her face, but it's an Earthian product." Pidge and Lance shared a knowing grin before sprinting for doors.

"We need your make up bag Shiro." Lance yelled over his shoulder without slowing his pace. Pidge had already raced out into the hallway before anyone could stop her. The Black Paladin stiffened before taking off after them. Fear and frustration mingling in his scent.

"DON'T TOUCH MY EYE-LINER !" He yelled after the two kids as he chased Lance out of the room and down the endless corridors of the castle.

"Yup, sounds like a plan paladins." Coran concluded before adding. "As it happens, I also have spare some paladin armour that might just fit him." He made a show of playing with a curl of his moustache while grinning happily to himself.

"This could work." Hunk confirmed, his smile reaching from ear to ear. The ginger haired Altean stopped playing with his moustache and unexpectedly gasped.

Vrepit Sa (Lotor X Fem!Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu