The things that I did

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Hi, how is your day going? Honestly, I'm really tired. I hope the chapter ended out well. 



Hesitantly, Lance and Pidge followed the sound of ominous humming. Weapons raised, they gradually made their way down the corridor towards the source of the sound, Lotor's generals (now free) guarding their backs. To their left, five, clean grooves dented the metal walls of the ship. The paint scraped clean off by something sharp and fine.

"What in hell could of made these?" Lance breathed, pausing to take a closer look at the scratch marks. They were too shallow to of been created by a knife, but too thin to be a spear tip.

"One of two creatures." Axca responded, her gun trained on the flickering shadows behind the group. She paused. Listening to something over the quiet shuffling of their footsteps. After concluding they weren't being followed, she continued. "Shadow or Nadia."

"Nadia? As in Miss, Don'ttouchmydarlinglotor? That Nadia?" Pidge questioned with a raised eyebrow. Axca nodded solemnly. "Are you sure we're talking about the same deranged nitwit?" 

"Sadly." Axca breathed, barely suppressing her smirk.

"But with those rubber boots, we would be able to hear her coming a mile away. Right?" Pidge questioned, her tone weary. Axca didn't respond at first. "Right!" Pidge repeated, her tone sharp.

"Do not underestimate an ex-warrior. Killing isn't just Nadia's hobby. It's her addiction." Axca hissed, her finger fidgeting on the trigger of her gun. "Before she was betrothed to the Prince, Nadia was on the battlefield squadron that conquered and destroyed most of the Minakan's moon. Only she made it back, with the severed head of the Leader in her armoured fist." She paused to check the safety on her gun before continuing. "That female is deranged as well as unpredicatable."

"She won't stop. Not until everything you love is snapped, broken or dead at your feet." Ezor chipped in with a smile. Her tone cheerful despite her words. Pidge shivered.

"So, what is the plan Paladins?" Zethrid hinted from her spot flanking Ezor, clearly trying to steer the conversation onto more hopeful grounds. She only received a deep frown from both Paladins, and a reassuring glance from Ezor. Inhaling sharply, the taller Galra tried to stay composed. Luckily, no one seemed to notice the gun shaking in her fist.

"We get Lotor, and get out." Lance explained without removing his eye from the eyepiece of his gun as he rounded another corner. Signalling to the other that it was clear, he trotted further ahead and rounded a second corner. The group moved in silence for a few ticks before Pidge spoke up.

"Judging by what you overheard, Shadow will follow." She explained, tapping away at a console on her arm. "Once she's in the Green lion, we trap her and severe the connection."

"Easy." Lance finished from halfway down the corridor, his arms raised in victory. Ezor and Zethrid exchanged concerned glances, while Axca just nodded along.

"Ye-ah, easy..." She chuckled uncertainly. Her eyes flicking around their surroundings like a scared rabbit. The sound of their footsteps was the only noise to fill the empty corridor. 

They turned another corner, pausing before a set of locked, steel doors. Calmly, Axca stepped forward and pressed her hand to glowing keypad to the right of the door. There was a sharp click. A whirring sound. Before the doors slid open. That was when is stopped being so quiet.

As the five of them tiptoed through the door into a wider hallway, the unmistakable sound of someone humming drifted into ear shot. It sounded foreign and rather off tune, but terrifying all the same as it echoed throughout the eerie silence of the ship. Drifting in and out of focus as if the singer kept pausing. "I guess I'll have. To face. That in this awful place, I. Shouldn't show a trace of doubt."

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