Hope when the crowd screams out

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Thank you all sooo much for 100 reads. I really appreciate that people are giving this book a try and hopefully enjoying it. Have a good day. 😊

~The next morning~
Nadia Galiban was by far the prettiest Galra female you'd come across so far-also being the only female you'd come across so far; besides yourself of course. She had waist length, raven black hair that fell in waves around her fine figure. Her eyes were a dazzling, fuschia pink that seemed to put your narrowed but alert, E/C pupils to shame. The pink also told you she was a halfbreed of some sort. Her entire being was the definition of feminine. From painted nails and an elegant, floral dress, to tall and rather dangerous looking high heels. If she wanted to, she could've easily poked someone's eye out with them. Even with them on however, Lotor still managed to be taller. Her flawless skin put your scared, purplish-grey fur to shame. Nadia Galiban also happened to be Lotor's betrothed mate. Yay...! Now you get to spend your final days watching them fall in love. (-_-)

"Lotor Darling!" Nadia squealed as she raced towards the pair of you when you entered the hanger. Your ears flatterened themselves against your head as a result of the high pitches squeak. Also, how the hell can she run in those heels? Stepping back, you watched with an amused smirk as Lotor barely managed to stay upright as the Galra female flung herself up, into his arms. Which were pinned firmly to his sides with her legs wrapped around his torso.

"Hello Nadia." Lotor replied smoothly, through a badly hidden grimace. You couldn't seem to hold back your chuckle, which had to very quickly turn into a coughing fit. Lotor shot you a look that could freeze over a sun. Holding your tongue, you moved over to where you could get a better view of the exits.

Gradually, Nadia got off of the Prince and made her way over to you. Lifting a dainty hand, she tugged sharply on your ear. Letting out a startled hiss, the fur all over your body stood up on ends out of instinct. Biting down on your stream of curses, you stayed stock still until she let go. "I see you've disciplined it well enough." Nadia commented bluntly as if she were discussing nothing more than a pet. Finally, she let go of your bitten ear with a look of disgust and moved back towards the Prince. Fighting the urge to rub it, you set to surveying the surrounding area for threats.

"Yes, she has her moments, but Shadow is a pretty decent General when she feels like it." Lotor commented. You could sense him smirking at you, but you didn't dare look.

"So, she's a General now?" Nadia stated rather than asked. "Interesting. You really have a thing for hybrids." Lotor only shrugged.

"I'll be gone a few weeks Nadia, so I wish you the best..." The prince begins, taking the Galra's hand and leading her away from you. You only breath when they're a safe distance away.

"What, you'll be gone that long. What will I possibly do without you Lotor?" Nadia cried dramatically, putting an elegant hand to her flawless forehead. Suppressing the desire to roll your eyes, your ears unexpectedly perk up.

Someone was moving near the rear of that Fighter Glider. Someone breathing heavily. Someone who didn't want to be discovered by the surveying guards. They didn't smell like a Galra soldier; not from this ship anyway. Your muscles tensed.

There was a glint of steal. Narrowing your eyes, you could just make out throwing knives sawing through the air towards the couple. You acted on impulse. Kicking up a steel rectangle laying conveniently close to your boot, you noticed how Lotor had stepped in front of Nadia now. His cold, gunmetal eyes trained on your movements. Throwing the metal sheet like a frisbee in his direction, you yanked your own dagger from your belt and threw it at the spot the knives had come from. Four soft thuds ring out behind you as the throwing knives hit metal. Then a soft groan as your own weapon hit home.

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