CHAPTER 9 - All this was a dream?

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(A/N: Guys don't hate me bc last two chapter were Sofia's dream. It wasn't real. Did you really think i would set them up that fast? Hugo is spending two months in her castle and we need some embarrasment. Heheh anyway sorry about that. Cary on.)

Sofia's POV
I woke up by the knock on my window. My friends come visit me.
"Hi guys. Thanks for interrupting my dream."i said with a said voice.
"Anytime. What did you dream?"
"I had the best dream ever!"Clover said.

"Why don't you tell us?" Robin and Mia asked in excited.

"Well i dreamt about Hugo and me. We were at the beach and i accidently fall. And happened to fall on him and kiss him. Later that day it was night already. I went to his room to confess that i love him. Then i remembered that i should kiss him instead of telling him so i told him to close his eyes. When i kissed him he kissed me back. After i fall asleep he brought me back into my room."

"How romatinc." Mia said.

"Sof you got it bad on him." Clover smirked at me.

"You two are meant for each other." Robin said.

"But what if we aren't? What if he doesn't like me that way?"i asked worriedly.

"You know,you could spend some time with him and get him to like you or just lay here on the bed all day?" Clover started teasing.

"You are right."

"About the bed. Yeah let's go to sleep."

"No. That i need to spend mire time with him. Which remind that his brother is coming today. I need to speak with Amber. Bye guys."

"Bye princess."

I went to get changed in a black hoodie and some blue ripped jeans and went to Amber' s room.

"Amber i need to talk with you."

"Not now sis. Hugo's brother is coming and i need to look the best."

"I know. You are crazy about him."

"I need to look PERFECT. Just for him. Finally i find it."

"What a beautiful dress. You will leave him speachless."

Amber wore the beautiful lightly green dress with a white diamond crown.

"Now that you find your dress. Can i tell you something it is eating me up?"

"Anything. Come sit here."

"I started to fall in love with..."

Then i whispered in her ear so only she can hear.



"WHAT? You knew?"

"When i see you guys together you two are like little cute tomatos."

I blush and said "Same goes for you and Axel."

"Shut up. Do you think he likes me?" she is full of blush.

"How could't he? You are so good,smart and caring sister. Tell me will hugo ever loved me?"

"Oh Sof why are you asking me that?"

"I am confused. The way he acts around me or my dream last night."

"What dream?"

Then i told her everything about my dream and that i earsdropped on Hugo and James.

"He could be in love with you but i suggested for you that you need to spend some alone time and by that i mean not flying derby."

"I see. You have a point."

"Go find him girl and get dressed."

"What do you mean? I am dressed. I love this outfit."

"Ripped jeans? And prince Axel is coming with Hugo?"

"It's not like there father is coming over."


"I will leave you so that you can get dress and prepare for your husband."


"Did i said husband? I meant your king." i said with laugh and closed the door before she throws a pillow in my face. I waited in my room for Hugo to come.

Again sorry guys about what happened. I had to make it was a dream.
But you know what are they supposed to do 2 months without a little drama😏.
Bug out😜💖

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