CHAPTER 5 - Clear as a melody

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In the morning.
Sofia was in her room laying on the bed thinking what happened yesterday.
Her friends came in to see her.

Clover:Hi Sof. How is my best princess in the world?
Sofia:Not so good.
Mia:What happened?
Robin:Did somebody hurt you?
Sofia:Well kinda. I was eavesdropping yesterday on Hugo and James.
Robin:What did they say?
Sofia:James was telling Hugo that  Hugo acts different around me and that he should tell him what is wrong. Hugo told him that i only see him as a friend.
Mia:I don't get it.
Sofia:Meaning he doesn't want us to be friends anymore.

Sofia burst into tears.

Clover:Hey girl i know just what you need.
Clover:Come with me.

Sofia was following Clover which was he leading her to one of the rooms in the castle. When i opened i see lots of instruments.

"Why are we here?"Sofia said confused.

"Do you remember when you told me that you love play guitar and piano?"


"Perhaps you need a distraction."

"You are right."

"And Sof maybe you got it all worng maybe they were talking about something else."

"Like what?"

"I don't know but did he say that he doesn't wanna be friends with you?"


"You see. Maybe he has..."

"What? What he has?"

"Come on Sof,you know that if somebody doesn't want to be your friend then they must be falling in love with them."

"Maybe. "

"I will be going now."

"Thank you and byee."

Sofia's POV
Clover could be right. Maybe Hugo is in love with me. That is impposible. Who could ever love me? I am not interesting or funny. Everybody supposed to like me because i am a princess.
I started to love him but because of his beautiful personalitty.
Anyway i need to get of off my thought. Let's start playing guitar,last time i was playing that was years ago. Let's try atleast.
I took my guitar and started playing by the time i started singing.

I took my guitar and started playing by the time i started singing

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

I sing right from my heart. After i finished i heard someone clapping.

"I didn't know you had a beautiful voice, plus you know how to play a guitar."

"Hugo,what are you doing here and thank you."

"James called me in the morning that i should come. We are going to play hockey. Do you wanna watch us?"

"Uhh sure?"

"Great, then let's go and by the way did you write that song? It sounded beautiful."

"Yeah i did."

"Do you have a crush on someone?" he said with a smirk and lean in.

"Nooo" i said in panick and push
him a little.


He started to tease me now.

"But now seriously who is it?"

He said with a little anger in his eyes.

"Are you jealous?"

Now it was my time for teasing him.

"Why would i be? I was just wondering which boy did you find charming and handsome?"

"Hehehe i will tell you one day."

"Fineee. Let's go, James is waiting for us."

Because he is jealous over my crush on somebody which is him. I had proved that he might have a little crush on me or i am daydreaming because i want that to happen.

Okay guys i decided to update right next day. Because it must be interesting for some of you.
Hope you like it.
Bug out😜💖

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