Chapter 14: Of Malls and Teas

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We're still at Prometheus Park. We're still at the bench. Not speaking or saying anything. I still can't believe that Dhale had showed an emotion in front of me for the very first time.

"Dhale, mind if I ask something?" I spoke. He looked at me, smiled, and nodded. "Why did you smile at me? I mean like it's very unusual because they said that you never showed someone a smile, a pout, or something. You're just all icy and cold." He chuckled softly.

"Well, I don't know why I showed you my first smile but I just felt like I could. I mean like when you are around it feels like I can really show you a lot of emotions. It feels like I'm connected to you somehow and I felt like I could treat you like a sister and a best friend." He stared at the ground and scratched the back of his head.

"And why is that?" I looked at him still staring at the ground.

"I don't really know." He looked at me. "What happened with Mephistopheles back there?" I looked away and started to stare at those bushes near us.

"Nothing. It's just a little misunderstanding. We were about to go to Cafervoire. When... uhm... I can't... I'm not sure I can say it. It's a long story, Dhale. I'm not ready to say it yet." I looked at him again and he smiled at me genuinely. I smiled back at him, too.

"It's okay. I understand. Are you hungry or something?" I shook my head and got something out of my bag. I handed it to him.

"I made that Nutella Bagel. It's meant for me but I'm not that hungry. You can have it." He was about to protest when I took his palm and put the bagel in it. "C'mon just eat it. I know you're hungry. I also have a bottle of water here." He began eating and never said anything.

"No it's fine. I'm just hungry, not thirsty." I was debating whether or not to say this but it's now or never.

"Dhale, did you bring you're car with you? I was wondering if you could bring me to an establishment where they sell cups of tea or something." He nodded and stood up.

"Follow me. Thank you for the bagel." I stood up too and followed him. We walked towards the opposite direction. Not the way where I ran but this leads to another destination. He stopped and I saw a midnight blue car. It looks nice.

"You and your siblings sure are something. You own a lot of great and expensive looking cars." He never said anything and went inside his car. I sat in the passenger's seat.

"Sorry for my manners. I'm just still practicing this being a normal person thing. Showing emotions and stuff. I grew up just being icy and so cold." He started the engine and drove out of his little garage.

"It's okay but I think you're getting the hang of it." I said with an encouraging tone.

"Thank you." I saw him smile but is still fixing his gaze on the road.

"Always here to help." We then fell in comfortable silence. Just peaceful. "Hey, Dhale. Mind if I turn on your radio." He nodded still not removing the smile in his face. He looks like a classical type of guy so I guess I'm gonna be listening to classics. I like classics but I can't say I'm into them.

"Can I plug in my phone to play music in your car?"

"Sure." I plugged in the wire and started to pick songs from Spotify. I feel like I'll be randomly playing songs from Lauv. I then pressed Shuffle Play and the song started. I'd be like singing with it or just humming it or just listening.

"Is this okay with you?" I asked with concern that he might not be into my type of music.

"It's fine. I love all sorts of music be it classics or pop."

"Well, I can't say I love them but I like all sorts of music. I can't say that my type of music depends on my mood or whatsoever." He chortled.

"Anyways, about your tea. I know a place in a cafe mall."

"What? As if that exists."

"Sure it does. I'll take you there but first let's go to the mansion. Let's not wear these uniforms. I'll let you borrow some of Zade's clothes. I'm sure Zade won't mind you two are best friends right?"

"Uhm, let's just go buy some. I was planning to buy more clothes. I'm about to get rid of some clothes in my closet. I might not use them anymore because I've grown. I'll just pack them up later."

"Sure. Where do you wanna go? I can bring you to a clothing mall."

"Let's go there." He drove to the clothing mall and I sure am impressed of this city. We went inside and I saw a store that looked like I could really buy some of their stuff. The name's Fabstash.

I got a fashionable looking cart and stored in a lot of clothes. From dresses to jeans. Shorts, shirts, and skirts. Tank tops and a bunch of other tops. And a whole lot more. I also bought some sandals, shoes, and boots. Some of them with high heels and some without. I took in some socks. I then went at the counter and paid using cash.

I didn't know I overshopped but it was worth it. Some of my clothes really won't fit anymore. Some of the shoes too. I am carrying 5 big shopping bags from Fabstash. We then left and Dhale helped me carry the bags. We put it in the backseat of his car. I looked at my watch and lost track of time. It's 12:30 but my stomach still feels full.

"Hey do you want to grab something to eat?"

"I could use some pizza and soda right now."

"They're not healthy. You look more like a salad and yogurt girl."

"You're wrong, Dhale. I am not one of those salad girls. I eat what I like to eat."

"You should be fat by now. You look like you have a super model's body."

"Well, I don't eat that much. Let's just go to your mansion so that we can change."

"Whatever you say, Cassie." He opened the passenger's door for me and I sat. He then sat in his seat and he started to drive towards the mansion. When we arrived, he told me to stay here while he does something for a while. He called someone to get the bags. I reckon he's gonna send it to my dorm room so I let it be.

"Come out, now. I'll already picked out some clothes for you to wear later on." He led me to a guest room. I guess this is where I slept a few hours ago. I then saw a black skinny jeans and a plain white hoodie with white sneakers.

Once he got out of the room. I quickly wore the clothes I bought which he picked for me. I grabbed my uniform and put it in a medium sized shopping bag that was in the bed. I waited for Dhale to come back. He opened the door slowly and saw that he is wearing a black hoodie with light blue jeans and black slip-ons.

"Hey you ready?" He smiled.

"I sure am." I got the shopping bag and went out with him. We got another car which I guessed is one of his properties. I put the bag in the back seat and sat inside. He sat in his seat and started to drive towards an establisment called Light Cup.

We went inside and I saw varieties of beverages and food written in the Menu. I told him I'm gonna order a green tea and lasagna. He ordered a cappuccino and a burger. We sat and waited for our orders.



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