Chapter 6: Unexpected Move

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I woke up earlier than I expected. I looked at my wall clock in my dorm and it is still 4:45 am. I groaned and got up.

What should I do? I'll just eat. I walked towards the fridge and opened it. I immediately noticed different packs of tuna inside. A couple of meat and raw foods. My mom may be the one who put these packs inside. We have a tuna factory. It's our business so she prolly gave me some of our products.

I got a pack of tuna and put it in my kitchen counter. I noticed 2 baskets in the kitchen counter. One was filled with veggies and the other one, fruits. Maybe they were freebies given by the school.

I do not know if this really is a dorm or apartment. It has its own kitchen, a room for 1 person, living room, bathroom,dining room for two persons, and my own WiFi. This school rocks.

Oh and my favorite room, my own study room with lots of shelves filled with books. I saw a locker and a blank shelf inside the study room yesterday. I'll just use it for their so called books that are iPods. Plus this is bigger than those dorms I visited before.

I put my tuna in the microwave and let it heat up. I went to my room and looked for my phone and also the iPod they gave me yesterday. It should be here somewhere. Ah! Found it.

It was sitting at a desk along with my MacBook Pro and also some other gadgets my mom prolly put in this desk yesterday when they came. My mom must know much about how my room should be organized. She also arranged my clothes which was totally cool. Because the closet isn't just a simple cabinet or something it is a walk-in closet which was fabulously fantastic.

I ran towards the microwave when I heard it 'ting' I mean sort of. I got out my heated tuna and cooked rice. I got an apple and started eating it while waiting for the rice to cook. I threw the apple in the trash bin after the rice cooked and prepared a plate with spoon and fork.

I started to eat silently when I heard a knock at the door. I ignored it because I thought it was in the wrong door but it knocked continuously. It is still 5 in the morning. Who could be the person visiting me this early. I haven't finished eating yet and I was frustrated because it ruined my moment of eating a scrumptious tuna for breakfast.

I opened the door and greeted the person who knocked with my usual bored face. Zade greeted me with a genuine smile and entered inside without letting me say anything. I just closed the door and started walking towards the dining room to continue eating.

"Aren't you gonna greet me a good morning, Cassandra?" She shouted from the living room.

"Please call me Cassie, Zade. Cassandra is too formal."

"Fine, Cassie." She went to me and sat across me.

"What brought you here? It's still early."

"I was jogging. Didn't you notice it because of the clothes I'm wearing."

"I'm sorry, Zade. But I'm not as observant as Persephone is."

"Whatever. Well, I was thinking of letting you join me have coffee today."

"I do not fancy coffees in my mornings. I prefer teas or juices."

"Well I like to drink coffee. I usually eat salads for breakfast and accompanied by coffee. Well, anyways if you don't like coffee. I'll just wait for you here so that you can prepare for school. I assume they already gave you your school uniform. So get prepared, young lady."

"Okay." I put the dishes I used in my sink and started to prepare as what Zade would have wanted.

I took a bath for a few minutes and put on a robe. I then went inside my walk-in closet which also has a dresser inside full of make-up, comb, and whatever was inside there. I brushed my hair first before wearing our uniform. I dried my hair, brushed it again and curled the ends of my hair. I looked at myself in the mirror and put on clear contact lenses. I put on a waterproof mascara and did my brows just trying to make it look natural. I applied tinted lip balm to my chapped and light pink lips. I'm ready to go.

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