Chapter 18: Reconciliation, Giggles, and Laughs

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I woke up feeling normal as always. I stood up, wore my bathrobe and went straight to the bathroom. I took a quick shower. After my bath I went straight to my walk-in closet and started to brush my hair. I dried my hair and brushed it again. I straightened my hair, did my brows making it look natural, and put on waterproof mascara. I put on clear contact lenses and went towards the kitchen counter.
I ate an apple and then I brushed my teeth. I checked myself in a full length mirror in my room and grabbed my bag. I locked my room and went to Trudy's dorm room.

I knocked at her door and waited for a few seconds before she opened it for me.

"Good morning, Trudy." I beamed at her.

"Good morning to you too." She said as she locked her own door.

It has been a habit of ours to walk together towards the school entrance. I am always the one who will get her from her room. I'm lucky we're both morning persons.

"So have you got your dress for the party?" I said as we entered the elevator.

"I do. It's a fabulous black dress. It hugs my body perfectly. I'm also wearing black high heeled suède boots for that." She giggled and pressed the G that stops at the ground floor. "Are you coming?" I rolled my eyes.

"Of course not. I'm not into those things. I should focus into my studies." She glared at me.

"Why? You should have fun for once in a while. I mean it's Friday night. It's not like we're gonna be busy or something." She said.

"No, I'm still not going. Aren't you gonna be worried for your grades or your work?" The elevator doors opened and we went outside.

"I always study after school. I just want to let loose for one night and have fun. I don't have shifts during Fridays." I sighed. We walked past the receptionist and we went out of the dormitory.

"I really don't like those parties besides I don't have time for those." We walked silently towards the school entrance.

"This is senior year. Have fun, girl. We don't have enough time before college." I rolled my eyes the second time this morning.

"It's August. It's the start of the year. After a few months we'll be having our holidays. Halloween is almost there." I said as she sighed.

"Halloween is still a few months away, girl. I know we are attending school halfway through August. They started school at August 5. We just received our scholarships last week." She replied.

"Which means we still have enough time. Anyways, let's just meet at lunch." She nodded and we both entered the school's hallway. I went straight to my locker as she mixed in with other students. We usually don't have first classes together.

"Oh my gosh, Cassie." I blankly faced Zade.

"What is it now? Is it the party this Friday night?" She nodded while I opened my locker.

"I'm so ready to go. I'm gonna be wearing a red fitted dress and glossy red stilletos. It's super nice. Are you gonna come?" I shook my head as I stuffed my morning things in my bag.

I closed my locker and we walked together while talking about how excited she is with the party and the people in the party.

Shannix City: Senior YearTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang