Chapter 5: Accompany

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After a few minutes of looking out the tinted window beside me we finally arrived. I looked at Zade and I saw a hint of excitement in her eyes. She is indeed looking forward to this restaurant she says that serves great food.

"OH MY GOSH! We're here."

"What's in this place?" I asked with a bored tone. It doesn't mean I don't like her company. There are lots of fancy restaurants that serve great food but why here.

"Do you not like it?" She asked with a pout.

"Not that I don't like it I'm just curious."

"This place holds most of the greatest moments in my life." I looked at her and her gleeful, cheerful face started to vanish replacing it with a melancholic look.

"I suppose those moments were long forgotten?" She shook her head.

"It wasn't like that. Those moments were remembered but the person with me in those moments. They were long gone. Let's just forget about what I said." Her face were full of glee again. "C'mon." She dragged me by the wrist and we went inside this establishment named, Katceaux. What a weird and unique name.

"If you are thinking of reading the name of the restaurant. It goes like this. Katceaux." I haven't been able to answer her when we got inside. I suddenly felt hungry as I got to smell the divine aroma of cooked food. This is indeed marvelous. I love it.

"I knew that you'll love this place like I do. Anyways we have swimming classes there." She pointed at an isolated island by the window. I nodded but after a while I realized what she said.

"Wait, we are having swimming classes there?"

"Yeah. We have a pool but yeah we use it for swimming classes. In Shannix High swimming classes is usually linked to survival classes."

"We have survival classes!?"

"Yep. Survival classes are sort of like our training for life?"

"This is gonna be hard." I massaged my temples.

"Oh I'm sure it won't be." She giggled. "Let's go sit there. I don't want girls approaching me and stuff."

"Oh you're one of the school celebrities. I'm sure of that."

"Uh-huh. I don't like attention that much. I don't crave for those things. I only crave for food." She said in between giggles. We sat at a table in a hidden corner.

"So I know I have asked you about your day. Now, I want to know more about you."

"Me?" She pinched my nose and luckily I managed to resist my squeal.

"Ow?" She laughed.

"You're funny."

"Okay, Zade. I'm not a clown or something. I'm an aloof girl who likes to spend more time with books than with people but I was lucky to find people like you and Persephone and also Matt. Oh, also Mephistopheles. That were kind to me somehow. I never thought about people like y'all have very astounding personalities."

"So you're saying you are a book lover."


"And you're also saying that you like people like us."

"Yep. I thought people like all of you here are self- deprived jerks and brats who know nothing but make low-ranked people miserable. No offense tho." She was shocked and gasped in horror.

"None taken. I didn't know you thought of that. I assume you're basis from us is from those people in your former school?"

"Yes. You are right."

"Were they that bad?"

"As I've said self-deprived jerks and brats. They are....worse than worst."

"Oh. I did not know. By the way, where were you from?"

"I'm sorry I don't want to mention my past."

"Oh it's okay I completely understand." She smiled at me with reassurance. "Let's order?" I nodded and she called for someone to give us menus so that we may order. After ordering the waitress left us and when Zade started to talk her phone rang.

"Excuse me for a while. I'll just take this call." I nodded then she left. I wonder who the caller was. I mean like when she saw the Caller's ID she was surprised. Maybe it's someone important.

After a while, she went back to our table and smiled at me.

"Uhm... sorry uhm... to uhm.....  say this but who called you?" She grinned.

"Silly girl. You can ask me anything you want. My dad called me he just wanted me to make some errands. Wanna come?"

"What kind of errands?"

"Well, serious types. You want to come? I can show you things but promise me you won't tell a soul about this."

"Okay, fine. Whatever."

"But before we go. Let us eat our ordered meals."

"Indeed." Our orders came after we had our little talk.

"Enjoy your meal, Cassandra." A weird smile was plastered in her face. I wondered why but I just ignored it and ate my food. After eating, she dragged me towards her car. I wondered where her limo was. I didn't know much about cars but it looks very expensive. It was a two-seater car. She began driving while the weird smile she showed me earlier was still plastered in her face.


Hey guys. It's been a while and I know this is short but I don't want to spoil things. So sorry if this is really short. I hope you enjoy this.


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