“how much earlier?”

“My plane goes out tonight”

“Please tell me you’re joking”

“I wish I was baby”

“But you were supposed to have the girls the rest of this week while I had all my interviews and studio time”

“I know Dem but there’s nothing I can do. I’m sorry”

“It’s not your fault love. We’ll work something out, come on I’ll help you pack”

The three of us exited Melody’s room and made our way to our own. Wilmer was hopeless at packing so I left him to lie on the bed with Millie. While I folded his clothes I often spared a glance at them both, Millie giggled away while Wilmer pulled funny faces at her.

I quickly finished packing for him and joined them both on the bed. Mille snuggled herself into my arms and I snuggled into Wilmer’s.

These are the moments I cherish the most.

“I’m gonna miss you” I sadly admitted

“I’m gonna miss you too love, all of you. I’ll come home every opportunity I get”

He placed a loving kiss on my lips then one on Millie’s head.

“Will you be ok with both the girls?” he asked

“I think so, if it gets too much I’ll as my mom or Marissa for help”

“Ok baby, why don’t you have a nice relaxing bath. I want to spend some time with Millie so you don’t need to worry about her getting into mischief” he suggested

“You know what that actually sounds like a good idea”

“You say that as if I’ve never had one before”

I laughed and kissed him once more before making my way into the bathroom and running the bath.

Pretty soon I was relaxing in the hot water, my tense muscles instantly relaxed as I soaked in the bubbles.

I completely lost track of time because Wilmer came in with Millie telling me he had to leave to catch his flight.

“What do you want me to do with Millie?” he asked

“Oh just put her in here with me, do you wanna have a bath with mummy bubba?” I asked her

“Yeah” she giggled

Wilmer threw her little baby clothes in the wash and lifted her into the bath with me. He placed her so she could sit in between my legs.

“Lean forward baby” he told me.

I did as he said and he began washing my back gently for me.

“That feels amazing” I complimented

“You’ll have to get Mills to do it for you while I’m away”

“Yeah there’s no chance of that happening, she’ll end up flooding the bathroom” I joked

“You will keep telling her that I’m coming back won’t you. Don’t let her think I’ve abandoned her” he said seriously

“I’ll remind her everyday how much you love her.”

 “I love you”

“I love you too Wilmer”

And with a few more kisses he was gone. I fought back the tears for Millie’s sake, I had to be strong for her. Millie must have sensed my sudden change in mood because she crawled up my body to lay on top of me. Her hand patted my chest and I nodded at her, letting her know it was ok for her to nurse.

She soon latched on to me and I held my baby girl tightly to me. My arms cradled her as she happily breastfed. This situation proved to me that I had to be strong for my girls, especially Melody as she was so vulnerable right now.

I allowed Millie to nurse for a little longer before I unlatched her and got us both washed and dried. I let Millie go play in her nursery/ playroom and went to check on Melody.

I was surprised when I didn’t find her in her room. I searched all over the house and couldn’t find her anywhere.

I looked around for any notes she may have left but then suddenly remembered that she couldn’t write properly.

I’d stayed calm up until this point but now I was really beginning to panic, where on earth was she?

I looked outside in the back garden and she wasn’t there, I rushed to the front of the house and opened the front door.

I ran out just in time to see her reach the end of the driveway. She was about to put the passcode in to unlock the gates and she had her backpack over her shoulders.

I sprinted down the drive, screaming her name at the same time.



She turned to face me, tears streaming down her face.

“Melody I’m sorry. You got it all wrong.”

“No I didn’t, you don’t want me. You hate me” she cried

“No I don’t. You didn’t give me chance to finish. I love you Melody, I love you like you’re my own daughter”

“I don’t believe you”

“Let me prove it to you. Let me be your mom”

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