Chapter 35: I know, You Know now Everyone Knows...

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Hey everyone!

I am Super Sorry I haven't Updated in, I don't even know how long it's been... I've just been really busy with school as my term has been coming to an end and all the assingments and exams seemed to be taking up all my time. But the good news is that I'm going on holidays for two weeks so hopefully will get writing done.


Chapter 35

The next week went to quickly every day I would go to school preparing for the worst but it never came.

Sure enough Cory couldn’t even look at me or would either skip or sit as far away as possible if we had a class together then at lunch times he would just be at the basketball courts shooting hoops.

I’m still torn up about Jesse and a part of me doesn’t want to believe it.  

Considering he only rings to speak to Faith and even then it’s a 10 minutes conversation to get her to sleep it already seems that he’s forgetting us and I hate that feeling.

So it’s now Friday so I just have to get through today because tomorrow Scar is coming up with Nat and she couldn’t have timed it more perfectly because she seems like the only person I can actually talk to and trust.

I’m now walking through the school parking lot and something seems off I catch people staring at me.

I then catch them they quickly look away it’s almost like the first day again or when everyone found out I was a mother, that’s when the realisation hits me.

I stop dead in my tracks unable to move I scan across the ocean of students I try to brush off the feeling that everyone now knows the truth but it’s too strong to get over.

I quickly recover myself before I look like a weirdo standing in the middle of the car park, I make my way over to my friends and when I arrive they all stop talking and stare at me.

“Hey Joey,” I greet him trying to act normal but finding it hard.

“I’m disappointed in you Hillary,” Joey announced.

“W- what for,” I wondered playing the dumb card.

“For lying to everyone about your daughter’s real father,” Joey told me.

“I’m sorry I was just so scared when I found out I was pregnant and I didn’t know how everyone would react so,” I spoke before he cut me off.

“I really don’t want to hear it I’ll be your friend still but not before you talk to Casey about this,” Joey told me.

“Fair enough,” I agreed, “I’ll see you around.”

“Bye Hillary,” Joey said with a small wave then turning back around to the group.

The day goes slowly and it’s nearly 5th period and I’ve gone the whole day without seeing Cory or Casey which is some sort of miracle… Or so I thought.

I start making my way to class when at the end of the hall I see Casey hands on her hips eyeing me like she about to kill me and if she wouldn’t go to jail she probably would.

“Hillary Lewis,” Casey shouted.

I stood there frozen eyes wide open preparing for the worst and I knew she had an evil plan devised.

As she walked towards me everyone parted like knife to butter; people pulling out their phones.

Oh god, I can already see what her plan is and I’m not looking forward to it.

Once she reached me I braced myself for the worst, shutting me eyes tightening my fists around my books.

“You absolute bitch,” Casey shouted punching my books to the ground papers flying everywhere.

I opened my eyes to see her face to face with me and frankly she looked scary.

“Casey I’m sorry,” I apologised quickly.

“I’ve accepted your apology to many times Hillary and each time you promise that you have nothing else to hide and each time I find out something else,” Casey exclaimed, “and I’m sick of it!”

That’s when she did the thing I was waiting for, she slapped me so hard across the face that the slap echoed through the halls.

“You cannot hit me,” I screamed at her.

“Why not? Got yourself knocked up again slut,” Casey questioned angrily.

“No, I’m not stupid enough to do it again,” I answered.

“But you were stupid enough to do it once! With my boyfriend,” Casey shouted.

“It was a drunken mistake just like Cory dating you is,” I announced loud enough for everyone to hear.

“How dare you,” Casey shouted pushing me.

“Don’t push me,” I warned pushing back slightly.

That’s when the fight turned physical, Casey pushed me into some lockers I pushed her back then we fell to the ground then there was a little bit of a scuffle fortunately it didn’t last long as the Principal of all the staff at this school came to break up the fight.

“Both of you detention this afternoon,” Principal Paul shouted pointing at us both.

“What! Sir you can’t do this,” Casey shouted.

“Yes I can,” he replied.

“I have to pick up my daughter,” I informed him.

“Well you should’ve thought of that before you got into a physical fight in my school.”

He then walked off with Casey escorting her to her next class, as I look around people were putting away their phones and disappearing to class. I took a deep breath before picking up the books from the ground and making my way to class.


Detention: for the first time in my schooling life I’m in detention… Great!

My Mom is going to flip when she finds out, oh well sometimes things just happen and now I’m stuck in detention until 5 with Casey.

Principal Paul who always takes detention stayed for about 30 minutes before leaving and I was hoping to have a little talk with Casey seeing as though there was no one else in the room.

As 5 unbearably silent minutes past I finally cracked.

“Casey I’m sorry,” I announced turning around to face her.

“I don’t want to hear it,” Casey replied.

“Please I didn’t want it to end up this way,” I begged.

“Then why did you lie this is all your fault you should just go back to Colorado,” Casey replied.  

“It’s not that simple,” I announced.

“Yes it is, you get on a plane and fly away, fly away so everything here can get back to normal,” Casey said, “now if you don’t mind I’m leaving.”

“You just can’t walk out of detention,” I stated.

“Who’s going to stop me,” Casey wondered picking up her bag before walking out.

I then took a deep breath leaning back into my seat staring blankly at the wall.

“This has all gone so wrong.”

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