Chapter 21: Life changes quickly

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Here you go everyone Chapter 21 I really hope you enjoy it, please tell me what you thought about it...


37 weeks: 24th of March

3 months later

“You want to go baby shopping,” Heather asked.

“Sure I do need more clothes for her,” I replied.

“Okay I’ll just get Jesse to drop us off to the mall,” Heather replied skipping down the hall.

Dad, Molly, Sophie and Lexie have gone on a camping trip that they have been planning before I showed up and seeing as though I have three more weeks left until she’s due I wanted them to go.

Jesse’s parents let me stay with them even though Jesse and I are officially an item, most parents wouldn’t let their children have their girlfriend over but it’s not like we’re going to do anything especially since I’m  being heavily pregnant.

“Heather wait up,” I called as she descended the stairs.

My left foot twisted on a wet patch which then my whole body followed through as I fell down to the ground landing on my side, winding me.

I lay there trying to catch my breath when I felt a gush of water come out in between my legs.

“Hillary,” I heard Jesse scream from the end of the hall.

I then heard footsteps running down the hall; I saw his feet skid as he slid through my waters to knell down beside me. Jesse carefully moved to my back lifting me up into a sitting position.

“Hillary are you okay,” he asked.

 “Baby,” I breathed.

“Is it coming,” he asked.

I took a deep breath just as my breathing came back to normal, “Yes, Jesse it’s time,” I answered.

“Hillary are you okay,” Heather questioned appearing at the top of the stairs.

A pain that was unlike anything I had ever experienced shot slowly through my back and as it rose the more intense it got the more I dug my nails into Jesses arm nearly drawing blood.

“Was that just a contraction,” Heather asked kneeling down.

“Jesse she’s really coming… I’m scared,” I sobbed.

“Babe it’s okay you’ll be fine,” Jesse said soothingly kissing my lips lightly, “Heather go downstairs and tell Mom and ring Hillary’s parents I’ll go run her a bath.”

“Okay,” Heather replied before running off.

“Come on,” Jesse lifted me up and lead me to the bathroom.

Around five minutes has passed since my first contraction and Jesse is filling up the tub.

“No Jesse I need to get to the hospital,” I stated holding onto the towel rack.

“But Mom said to run a tub when you went into labour,” Jesse replied.

Another contraction started stronger then the last, one hand holding onto the towel rack for dear life the other around my belly and my teeth grinded together to stop myself from screaming I clamped my eyes shut for hoping it would stop but it seemed to carry on forever.

“Hillary look at me,” Jesse ordered caressing my face, “look at me.”

I parted my eyes so I could just look into his deep brown.

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