Chapter 28: Hello Monterey

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Okay everyone heres the next chapter I do know it is super short, but I did promise my friend that if she got an A on her Math exam I'd upload... looks like her teacher has super speed in marking, so I wrote this once I got home from school.

Now alot doesn't really happen in this chapter but hopefully everyone still likes it just the same.

Either way I hope you enjoy.


Chapter 28

“I’m going to miss you Faith,” I said tightly hugging her.

“Miss you too Mommy,” she whispered her arms wrapped around my neck as if she didn’t want to let me go and I wish I didn’t have to.

“I’ll be back soon okay,” I said.

“How long,” Faith asked.

“A week but it’s going to go so quickly and you get to hang out with Gran all week,” I replied desperately not wanting her to cry.

“Is it going to be fun,” Faith wondered.

“You’re going to have heaps of fun with Gran,” I replied sitting her on my hip.

“Hi Hillary,” Cory said as he stopped in front of me.

“Hey,” I replied giving him a quick hug.

“Cory, cuddles,” Faith exclaimed.

Cory and I both laughed a little as I handed Faith over to Cory.

“Hello beautiful,” Cory said to Faith.

“Oh my god,” Mom said as she saw how much they both look like one another.

“Mom,” I hissed as Cory said ‘what?’

“Oh nothing just remembering something I had to do,” Mom said smoothly.

Why must she be such a loud mouth, I guess that’s one thing I inherited; the ability to say things that make people think and it sucks. What if she had said ‘Wow Cory really does look like Faith’ then I’d be in all types of trouble.

“Can everyone please come and put their luggage in front of the bus they are going to take,” a teacher yelled.

“I need to go otherwise I’m be late for work,” Mom announced.

“Okay I’ll see you in a week,” I replied giving a hug to Mom.

“Bye Faith,” Cory said and as I’ve taught Faith to do to say goodbye with a kiss on the cheek so that’s exactly what she did.

Cory then gave Faith back to me and we exchanged a final goodbye which got a bit teary from my end.

After that we all pretty much got on the bus and left for Monterey.


“And you three girls get room 94,” Mrs Law announced with her famous plastic smile, she has gotten way to much Botox.

I looked around the room to see who I’d be sharing with, I saw Pippa which I was super happy about and then I saw the second person… Casey and she looked just excited as I was feeling.

It’s just my luck to get to share a room with the one person out of the entire grade I didn’t want to, it must have been rigged it’s my only explanation apart from us being the final three.

Pippa collected the key from Mrs Law, we then followed her wordless to our room, you can already feel the tension between Casey and I building up.

“I call double bed,” Casey exclaimed running into the room before Pippa even had a chance to pull the key out.

The room was simple, with its off white walls, one double bed and a bunk bed, desk with a lamp and an en-suite.

“Casey there all singles,” I pointed out.

“I don’t care just in case there was one I called it,” Casey replied clearly showing I’d shown her up.

“Whatever,” I rolled my eyes while flinging my suitcase onto my bed.

“Hillary we have some ground rules to take care of,” Casey announced.

“Oh really what’s that? Stay 10 feet away from you at all times hate to break it to you there’s not enough room here for that rule,” I stated.

“Although I’d love that rule Cory said I had to be civilised with you. We just don’t speak to each other let’s just stay out of each other’s way,” Casey replied.

I stared at her for a second I think in some sort of shock, I think this is the most civilised thing she had said to me since I had come back.

“Okay seeing as though you’ve said what you have needed to say, once we’ve finished unpacking we’re allowed to go and see the place,” Pippa announced.

“Thanks Pippa I might go see my boyfriend now,” Casey replied walking out her hips swaying.

“They’re still going out,” I scoffed to myself, low enough for no one to hear.

To be honest I didn’t know; I don’t think they’ve been officially going out since I first arrived like you see them kissing and what not in the halls but never out in public or even at each other’s houses my intuition is telling me it’s all a show and I don’t think anyone would be a surprise if it was… I guess I’m going to have to find out.

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