Chapter 3: First Day of School

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Chapter 3 - 25th of August

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The dreaded sound of the alarm clock signalling the start of a new school day… great.

I rolled over to see Kevin –my little brother 7- staring at me wide eyed.

“I did it, I used the force to wake Hillary up!” he yelled throwing his hands up in the air like his footy team had just won.

“You didn’t use the force,” I told him.

“Sure did Yoda would be very proud of me right now,” he said running out of the room.

If you hadn’t noticed Kevin is completely obsessed with Star Wars.

I turned off my alarm and went to the bathroom had a quick shower and went back to my room.

I looked through my cupboard and decided on a flowing singlet with a black printed tree, black short shorts and black canvas shoes.

I spotted a black cardigan hanging off my desk chair I shoved it in my bag, I think I need it for a sunny day in California, on the first day at school

I went back into the bathroom and straightened my hair and put on my make-up. I wondered down stairs where I could smell, toast.

“Hi mom,” I chimed coming into view, “… George.”

George is my step father he married mom 8 years ago we don’t get along that well but we try for mum and is the father of the twins Kevin and Lucy who are 7.

My real dad did stay around but remarried four years ago to a woman named Molly and moved to Colorado and my older sister Sophie who is a senior this year in high school lives with him and my step sister who I’ve only met once at the wedding Lexie is 15 same age as me.

“Good morning sweetheart, want some toast,” mom said buttering a piece of toast.

“Yes please with strawberry jam,” I replied taking a seat next to Lucy who was drawing a picture, I was so jealous of her, she could draw, dance, sing, gorgeous the full package she was one day going to break some hearts.

I looked over at Kevin who was playing with Star wars dolls; they were all shooting each other.

“Kevin will you please stop playing with your dolls and Lucy stop drawing at the dining table,” mom snapped. It was her pet hate, playing with things on the dining room table.

“But mom,” they both whined at once.

I swear it was some type of telepathic thing they say and do so many things at the same time without a word said so many times, it’s freaky.

“Why are you in love with your dolls anyway?” I asked Kevin as mum laid a plate of toast in front of me.

“They are NOT dolls, they are figurines,” Kevin told me sternly with a serious face he hated people calling his star wars figures dolls.

“Okay, okay,” I then took a bite out of my toast.

“You excited to be starting High School today,” mom asked giving Lucy and Kevin their toast.

“I guess,” I replied taking my plate over to the sink.

I then went upstairs to brush my teeth and packed my denim backpack.

I walked down the stairs to see Lucy opening the door to revel Cory.

I took a deep breath and walked up to him with my bag ready to go.

“Hey you,” he greeted me pulling me into a hug.

“Hey,” I replied with an uneasy voice.

“Haven’t seen you in a while, I don’t hope you haven’t been avoiding me or something?” he questioned taking a step back.

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