Chapter 9: The Appointment

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Chapter 9 - 29th of September

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I adamantly sat up in my bed, looking around my surroundings.

I looked at my clock and it read 7 o’clock.

I got up out of the bed and headed towards the shower; I then walked back into my room and put on red skinnies with a grey singlet and a light pink cardigan with black birds on it.

I walked downstairs to smell the scent of waffles coming from the kitchen.

“Do you want some waffles sweetheart,” Mom questioned giving some to George, Lucy and Kevin.

“No thanks I’m not hungry,” I replied taking a seat at the table.

“It’s not like you to not be hungry what’s up you sick?” George asked tucking in to his waffles.

“Yeah she’s really sick I’m taking Hills to the doctors,” Mom lied smoothly as I was about to answer.

“Oh what’s wrong,” George questioned.

“I’ve been really sick lately I think it’s the stomach flu,” I said.

 “Why dose Hillary get the day off,” Kevin whined.

“Because she is very sick,” Mom told Kevin firmly.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

“I’ll get it,” I ran to the door to see Cory standing there with his bright smile.

“Hey you ready to go,” Cory asked casually.

“Well I’m not going to school today, I’m sick,” I lied. I cannot believe I had just lied to Cory this has to be the first lie I have ever told Cory and it doesn’t feel right.

“You seemed  fine yesterday,” he stated.

“Well I came down with it last night so I’m not okay I’m very sick. Now go away,” I spat slamming the door in his face; bursting into tears.

I spun around sliding down the door, in tears.

I was so ashamed I can’t look at him without bursting into tears, I can’t look at Casey without feeling like I’ve traded her, and my family must feel so humiliated to have a 15 year old whom is pregnant.


“Honey is everything alright?” Mom wondered sticking her head around the corner wiping her hands off with a cloth.

I just shook my head

She came down and sat beside me holding me tight while I cried.

Not saying a word, not wanting to know why I was in tears, she was just there like a mother should be for their child.


“Just calm down you’ll have a heart attack,” Mom said putting her arm around my shoulder.

There were pregnant women everywhere, yesterday Mom had book an appointment with a baby doctor.

As soon as I walked in her I have gotten so many dirty looks from mature married women, who most have already had one that were by their side.

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