Chapter 5: Lunch with the Bakers

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 Chapter 5 - 24th of September

I’m pregnant.

I’m staring at the ceiling drawing circles with my finger on my belly.

Why me? Why now?

My life was perfect I was the most popular girl in my grade along with Casey and Cory.

What am I going to do with it?

Am I going to keep it?

Am I going to put it up for adoption?

When am I going to tell mom?

I have no money to go get it check out and even if I did it would go on the insurance and mom would still find out.

As my thoughts swamped my mind tears slowly came and I eventually cried myself to sleep.


“Wake up! Wake up!” I heard Lucy scream jumping on my bed.

“What why,” I mumbled its Saturday why was Lucy waking me up on a Saturday.

“It’s 11 in the morning mommy said to wake you,” Lucy replied jumping off the bed going out of my room.

I have a quick shower and put on some denium short shorts and a red and white ¾ sleeve shirt and keeping my hair down.

I walked down the stairs wrapping my arms around my tiny muffin top.

“Go get changed the Bakers are coming over in a couple of minutes!” I heard mom yell at someone.

Then I saw Kevin storm past me in his star wars PJ’s.

“Good morning mom,” I greeted her as I walked into the kitchen where she was slaving over the stove.

“Oh hello sweetheart,” she replied stirring something in a pot.

“You need some help?” I wondered.

“Sure thanks darl,” mom and I always bonded over cooking, it was something that we just did, some people go shopping, some sewing others sport, but I cook with my mum.

I helped mom for the next few minutes talking about random things that come up in our conversations.

“Hey mom I need to tell you something,” I started taking a deep breath looking down at the pot of spaghetti.

“Yes Hills,” she wondered taking a tray of garlic bread out of the oven.

"I’m” I was cut short by a knock on the door.

“Hills can you get it please,” mom instructed.

I walked to the door to revel Cory’s family.

“Hey Larry where’s your lil’ bro,” Max asked walking into the house.

Max is like Kevin’s big brother they can play endlessly without getting bored, which is good Kevin does need a guy around he is sort of surrounded by girls.

“Um I think in his room,” I replied pointing up the stairs.

Carole and Steve went to find George and Mom, and then there was just Cory and I standing in the doorway.

“Hey Hillary,” he greeted me. I faked a smile while he pulled me into a hug; the hug was the most awkward hug I have ever had with him.

“What’s wrong,” he questioned.

“Nothing,” I lied looking down to the ground, why must he now me so well sometimes it’s a real pain.

“You’re a lair,” he muttered.

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