Chapter 19: Merry Christmas

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Chapter 19 – 20 weeks, 25th December

“Merry Christmas,” I heard everyone call as I came downstairs.

“Merry Christmas,” I called back.

“I like that top,” Lexie commented as I sat down.

“Thanks but you got it for my birthday,” I reminded her, pulling on it, the shirt was apricot and tight showing off my belly with flowers around the top, it was really cute.

“I know,” she replied.

“Good morning pumpkin,” Dad welcomed me, by placing Santa’s red hat on my head then quickly patting my stomach.

“Can we open presents now,” Lexie insisted.

“Yes,” Molly answered.

“Sweet, I’ll hand them out,” Lexie exclaimed leaping over to the tree, “Sophie’s first up.”

Lexie gave Sophie a decent sized box, she shook it then tore the paper to revel, an IPod dock she said her thank you then it was quickly back onto the other presents.

“Hillary,” Lexie sung shaking a box in front of my face.

I ripped the paper to see denim, I pulled it out to see jeans but on the top had some stretchy material and I looked down to see two more of the same.

“Thank you none of my jeans fit me anymore,” I thanked everyone, looking down at my sweat pants.

“No problem Hillary,” Molly replied.

It went like that for the next 40 minutes, Dad got some shirts, stereo, pool table; Molly got some jewellery, a new phone and some very expensive perfume; Sophie got her IPod dock, fondue set, a lovely sapphire ring; Lexie got cute little brown boots with a wedge heel, make up, a Pandora bracelet with two charms then me I got three pregnancy jeans, a full body pillow which is meant to be really great during pregnancy, a maternity party dress and a brand new laptop… talk about being spoilt.

“Come on we have to do our traditional family photos,” Molly called from the study.

“Give me a sec I want to change out of my sweat pants,” I called running up stairs, then just as a quickly coming down in my new maternity jeans which were so comfy… only if I got these earlier.

“Gather around the fire place,” Molly ordered squeezing us in, referring back to the camera squeezing us in more she did this multiple times.

We ended up Dad at the back making sure there was enough room for Molly, then Lexie just in front of Molly’s spot facing in, Sophie on Dads side facing in with her hands wrapped around my torso holding my stomach and me in the middle.

Molly raced over from the camera we all did our best Christmas smiles and took the photo it was really nice and sweet.

Molly made us do it again for some reason that we don’t know about, we all went back into our positions and we waited while Molly adjusted the camera.

“Sophie don’t hit my belly,” I ordered as I felt some pressure hit my left side.

“Hillary I didn’t you hit my hand,” Sophie replied.

We felt it again my mouth hung open when I realised that it wasn’t Sophie.

“Are you feeling this,” I wondered frozen to the spot.

“Yes,” she replied you could hear the joy in her voice.

“My baby’s kicking,” I stated loud enough for everyone to hear.

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