Chapter 26: School News

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Hey, I am super sorry I have't Uploaded in a while I've just been trying to get back in the swing of things once school started again after the holidays. This is just a filler chapter and a build up for the next few, I haven't edited this as I'm about to go to bed and I just wanted to get this up for you all so sorry for any mistakes will edit this in the next day or two.

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Chapter 26

As I entered the classroom everyone seemed to be way too excited about Maths… unless our teacher is away there is no reason to why everyone is all smiles and laughter.

I take my usual seat next to Pippa who is engaged in a conversation with Cory which is awkward for me.

“Hey Hills,” Cory welcomed me once Pippa finished her sentence.

“Hey guys, what’s going on,” I wondered.

“She’s kidding right,” Pippa asked Cory.

“No, see this is Hillary she’s oblivious until someone tells her point blank,” Cory informed Pippa.

“Okay enough… now what’s up with everyone being so excited,” I questioned.

“The annual senior trip of course,” Cory announced.

“What trip,” I asked.

“Hillary even if you were here for like two months as a freshman you would’ve heard about the senior trip,” Pippa said.

“I don’t recall there being one so what is it,” I asked.

“It’s where the whole senior class goes to a camp for a week and it’s supposed to be a bonding technique so we all become closer before the year really kicks off but really everyone just ditch the activates to go shopping or get drunk,” Cory announced.

“A week,” I questioned.

“Yeah and this year we’re going to Monterey,” Pippa announced in excitement.

“I can’t go,” I told them, sitting back in my seat disappointed I was starting to get excited about the trip.

“Why not; I mean it’s not like you get home sick it’s just two hours away,” Pippa wondered.

“Yeah Hillary… why can’t you go,” Casey wondered.

I turned around to see her sitting on a table with a group of girls surrounding her all just staring at me.

“Because she has a kid,” Cory announced.

I froze once he said this and it seemed that everyone heard because the room became silent, Casey had amusement on her face.

“Did I just say that out loud,” I heard Cory mutter.

I turned around to look at him in disbelief.

“Yes, Cory you did even though last night you promised you wouldn’t,” I snapped at him.

“Hillary I’m sorry it just slipped,” Cory apologised.

Looks like it wasn’t Casey I had to worry about telling the world… it was Cory.

“Hillary Lewis has a child well isn’t this interesting,” Casey said an evil smile on her face.

“Yes Casey I’m a Mom and I don’t care what you have to say about it what anyone has to say about it,” I said.

“Who’s the father? Blake,” Casey asked, “everyone knows that you slept with him.”

When Casey said his name I flashed back to when at one point I was going to pretend that Faith just so I wouldn’t have to face the truth.

“For your information I never slept with Blake and I don’t have to tell you how her father is,” I told Casey.

“That’s because it was a one night stand… you truly are the slut I always knew you were,” Casey said.

“Casey… it takes one to know one,” I replied.

“Okay ladies let’s break this up,” Cory announced standing up to go between us.

“Are you choosing her side,” Casey questioned, in a bitchy girlfriend way.

“I’m choosing nobody’s side,” Cory replied.

“Everybody please take a seat,” Mr Johns announced walking into the room.

Everyone took their seat, I could feel eyes boring into my back it felt like freshman all over again this time I wasn’t pregnant.

“So you’re a Mom,” Pippa whispered in a shocked voice.

“Yes I hope it won’t cost us our newly found friendship,” I wondered.

“Of course it won’t,” Pippa replied with a gracious smile.

“As everyone has probably already heard this year’s senior trip has been announced, I have a note here in which is to be handed back by the end of next week to gather numbers,” Mr Johns informed us handing out the note.

“Sir when are we going,” a student asked.

“In three weeks, it’s really a great week we go to museums, underwater canyons, History Museums, scuba diving, aquariums and a scenic 17-mile drive that’s all I can think of at the moment,” Mr Johns announced.

“That sounds exciting but every night we still get free time right,” none other than Casey asked.

“Yes Casey you still do and on the last day is free for you all to do what you guys want,” Mr Johns informed us, “now enough with the questions we need to start maths.”


By the time lunch came the news about Faith had spread like wildfire I didn’t even know it could have spread so quickly through a school so big.

“So Hillary are you going to spill how the Dad is yet,” Casey wondered as I sat down at a table next to Joey.

“Casey, I’m not telling you anyway you wouldn’t believe me,” I replied.

Even if I said Jesse and it was after I Ieft she wouldn’t hear of it unless I admitted that the father was at the school.

“Is it because you have too many people to choose from,” Casey asked.

“If only she knew,” I muttered to myself.

I can only imagine what Casey is going to do when she finds out about Faith’s real father is actually Cory; if she’s acting like this when she finds out I have a kid it’s going to be like an atomic bomb when the whole truth is revealed.

“So who let the word slip,” Joey asked sitting down opposite me.

“Cory,” I state.

“He always did have a loud mouth,” Joey commented.

“Casey are you being nice to Hillary,” I heard Cory ask behind me.

“Aren’t I always,” Casey wondered wrapping her hands around his waist.

“So Hillary you gonna come to Monterey,” Cory asked.

“I wouldn’t like leaving Faith for so long but I guess we’ll see,” I replied.

Throughout the day the talk about me spread until every teacher knew about me, the talk about the father started up which I really wasn’t expecting but the day quickly ended and I was soon hugging the love of my life, Faith.

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