Chapter 32: Lies, Lies, Lies, Truth!

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“Faith,” I exclaimed as I practically ran off the bus as I couldn’t stand to be away from her for one second longer.

“Mommy,” she screamed running up to me.

I scooped her up in one fluent motion giving her the biggest hug I think I’ve ever given her.

“I’ve missed you Mommy,” Faith whispered.

“Oh baby I’ve missed you too,” I replied brushing my fingers through her hair.

“Was it fun,” Faith asked as I walked over to collect my bag.

“It was a lot of fun, there was this touching pool where you can touch all different sea creates I’m going to take you to one of them,” I told her, which she seemed very excited about.

“Hey Faith how are you,” Cory wondered as he walked over to us.

“Good,” Faith replied with a big smile on her face.

Is it possible for kids to subconsciously know who their bio-logical parents because every time Faith sees Cory something about her changes.

“That’s good, did you miss me,” Cory asked.

“Yes,” Faith replied with a nod.

“Who’d you miss more me or Mommy,” Cory asked.

“Ummm, Mommy,” Faith exclaimed wrapping her arms around my neck.

“Darling your choking me,” I said taking her arms off my neck.

“Hillary you still going to drive me home,” Casey asked walking up to us.

“Of course,” I nodded.

“And is this Faith,” Casey wondered.

“The one and only,” I answered.

“She is so cute,” Casey exclaimed.

“She got it from me,” I announced intentionally sounding like a smart ass.

“You wish,” Casey scoffed.

“Hello all, you wanna get going before everyone tries to get out of the car park at once,” Mom wondered even though it was more like an order.


Sunday lunch, the ritual that the Baker family and mine have been doing since I was practically born. So it was unusual for them to be late unless there is a very good reason behind it.

Knock, knock, knock.

Faith raced from the lounge room to the front door trying to open it, too bad she’s way to short, I opened the door seeing the one and only Max Baker, Kevin’s old best friend before he went off to college and I guess never looked back kind of like me.

“Max,” I exclaimed running up to hug him.

“Hey Lary,” Max replied wrapping his arms around me.

“Really, the first thing you say to me is Lary,” I questioned, remembering that it was my nickname from him and I absolutely hated it.

“Oh you loved it,” Max teased walking into the house just like he always did.

Then his parents came inside saying our quick hello then Cory who was carrying Faith.

“So when did Max get back,” I wondered as Cory put Faith onto the ground.

“An hour ago, we were about to leave then bam be showed up,” Cory announced.

“He always shows up when you least expect it doesn’t he,” I said.

“It’s one of his horrible traits,” Cory joked.

“Lunch,” Mom called then I saw Lucy running after Kevin towards the kitchen, then Kevin shout in absolute excitement Max’s name.

We made our way into the dining room taking our usual seats and commencing to eat.

“So Hillary when is Faith’s birthday,” Max wondered.

“24th of March,” I answered.

“So she’s two,” he asked.

“Yes,” I replied wondering why he was asking me that.

“She looks very familiar,” Max said.

“People do say she has my eyes,” I replied getting a bit worried as to why he was asking so many questions about Faith.

“Oh I suppose,” Max shrugged before taking his plate into the kitchen.

 Something in the way the conversation went made me nervous but it’s Max he’s the dumb one, never catches onto things only thing he’s good at is hooking up with girls and football then again college does change people.

“This was an excellent lunch Lilly but I really have to be going,” Max announced.

“Really you just got here,” Mom wondered.

“Yeah, I really have to ring someone,” Max replied then left.

“Max wait,” I called running after him, “Max,” I called again making him stop on the footpath between the two houses.

“Yes Hillary,” he wondered.

“How are you,” I asked, seeing as that was the only thing I could think of.

“Is Cory Faiths father,” Max questioned seeming hurt.

“What Max no,” I denied it.

“You can’t lie to me Hillary you know that, everyone knows that,” Max announced, “so I’m going ask you again, is Cory Faiths father.”

“Why do you want to know,” I asked.

“To see if I’m an uncle or not. So I know the truth,” Max explained.

“You don’t understand,” I replied my eyes starting to tear up, god I hate being under pressure.

“I don’t need to understand just yes or no,” Max stated giving me the stare I always crack under.

“Yes,” I whispered to ashamed to look him in the eyes.

“Thank you for telling me,” Max said then turning around and heading towards his house.

See I thought telling the truth would relieve the pressure of lying to everyone but it’s only made it worst, my greatest fear. What is Cory going to do when he finds out.

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