Chapter 23: Back Home

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I haven't proof read this yet but I think it's still pretty good grammar wise. This chapter is filler until I can think about how to structure the next chapter which I think you will like it.

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Chapter 23

“How much longer,” Faith whined.

“Honey we’re here,” I announced thankfully pulling into the street.

I took it all in the street looked the exact same as it did three years ago, I slowed down as I passed Casey’s house no one was home but it looked just the same and in Casey’s window still was blocked by dark purple curtains and weirdly no one was home at Cory’s either but in a way it’s good it gives me more time to prepare what I’m going to say to him.

I pulled into the drive way to see Mom and Lucy walking out of the house.

“Gram, Gram,” Faith chanted as she saw Mom.

I cut the engine then unbuckled Faith letting her out of the car, Faith ran up to Mom giving her a big hug.

“Hi Mom,” I said hugging her then Lucy tighter.

“I’m so happy you decided to move back home,” Mom announced a big smile on her face.

“Me to… it should be very interesting.”

“I’ve missed you Hillary,” Lucy stated.

“Missed you to, now how about being a cutie and helping me grab some boxes,” I suggested.

“Only because I’ve missed you,” Lucy replied walking towards the boot.

I unlocked it before following Lucy, we each took two boxes and Kevin helpfully turned up once all the boxes were in my room.


“Mom I’m going to the shops,” I announced.

“Okay do you want me to babysit,” she asked.

“Well I was going to take her but if you want to you can,” I replied shrugging my shoulders.

“I want to.”

“She is a real handful,” I informed him.

“I don’t mind she can’t be as bad as you were,” Mom added.

“Geez Mom aren’t you the nicest,” I said before walking out to the car.


I take advantage of not having Faith by going into every shop I wish without her constant whining about being hunger or thirsty, I love her to bits but I do love not having to hear the whining.

I walk into a little clothes boutique; I skim through the clothes wanting to find something cute to wear on the first day of school.

“Senior year Casey,” I heard a chirpy girl say in front of me.

I looked up to see Daisy or the ditzy blonde, talking to the one and only Casey Waze.

I turned around so I was looking through a rank not facing my former best friend.

“I’m so excited, especially since I have the most wanted boy in the school,” Casey announced.

“I am like so jealous,” Daisy said in a ditzy voice.

“And you should be,” Casey replied.

Geez Casey stuck up much?

“My Dad said there’s going to be a new girl this year; wouldn’t it be funny if it was Hillary,” Daisy informed Casey catching my attention.

“If it is Hillary she better stay out of Cory and my way,” Casey said in a bitchy voice I can just picture her tossing her hair back behind her shoulder as she said that.

“Come on I thought you’d be excited,” Daisy wondered.

“Excited think the opposite,” Casey scoffed.

“Well don’t hold it against her she might’ve had a good reason,” Daisy defended me.

“I don’t care I’m over her and no one not even her is going to ruin my year,” Casey said, as she did it sounded as though she was trying to hold back tears.

“Okay sorry you want to catch a movie,” Daisy wondered.

“Sure,” Casey replied.

 I turned around and we caught each other’s eyes for a split second; my breath got caught in my throat my eyes widening, I stood there like an idiot unable to move; as Casey started to turn around.

I started to walk quickly into the centre of the store, I turned my head back to make sure she hadn’t spotted my thankfully I think she hasn’t.

“Whoa watch it,” a British voice said as I crashed into him.

“I’m so sorry,” I apologized.

“Hillary,” he said like a question.

I looked up to see, “Joey,” I exclaimed jumping up into his arms.

Joey had moved over here from England when he was 13, we had become instant friends not the ones that hung out a lot but we were nice to each other.

“What are you doing here,” Joey asked placing me back down on my feet.

“I moved back home,” I answered.

“Well you’re taller,” he announced.

“Your voice is sexier,” I joked.

“What made you move back,” he asked.

“Mommy,” I heard Faith scream.

I spun around to see her running up to me, then following close behind was Jesse which made me whole face light up.

I scooped up Faith then giving a quick kiss to Jesse as he wrapped his arm behind my back resting his hand on my hip.

“Joey this is my boyfriend Jesse,” I informed him.

“Nice to meet you,” Joey said shaking Jesses hand, “and whose this.”

“Tell Joey your name,” I said looking down to Faith.

She looked up and muttered her name.

“Hello Faith,” he said shaking her little hand.

“I like your voice,” she giggled.

“I like your smile,” he said tickling her cheek.

“So Hillary is this your daughter,” Joey asked.

“Yes she is,” I answered.

“How old is she,” he asked suspious.

“Nearly 3,” I informed him.

“Is that why you left,” he questioned.

“No, she isn’t the reason why, I met Jesse when I left one thing led to another then hello Faith,” I explained.

“Well are you coming back on Monday,” he asked.

“Yes I’m back would I be able to hang out with you,” I asked.

“Sure but wouldn’t you want to hang out with Casey and Cory instead,” he asked.

“No, I kind of hurt them when I left,” I said.

“Okay, well sure I’d love to hang out with you then,” Joey agreed.


“Look I’ve got a date with Pippa so I’ll see you Monday,” he asked.

“See you Monday.”

“You ready for Monday,” Jesse asked.

“I’m so not ready for Monday,” I replied honestly to catch a glimpse of Casey and Daisy as they left the store.

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