"That sounds like fun, and knowing us, we'd make a hell of a party." Yoongi agreed, looking back at Jin as Jin fell off the arm cushion.

"Are you okay?" Y/n asked as she was cracking up.

"Oh totally!" Jin shouts popping back off the ground.

Y/ns laugh. I couldnt help but stare at her, she was beautiful. I tried to hide back my smile but I couldnt.

But of course my smile had to disappear as Jungkook finally appeared.

"What did I miss?" He said walking down the stairs. He noticed y/n and stopped in place. He didnt smile and he didnt talk, he just looked at her shocked.

"Uh..." Was all he said next. The boys looked at y/n for answers. She had none, she just looked at Jungkook with a questionable look.

"Y/n, what are you doing here?" He asked heading towards us but stopping so he wasnt so close.

"I wanted to talk to you." She stood up and walked over to Jungkook.

"Okay, well umm i have this meeting with the boys, can it wait?" The boys looked in there direction.

"We already had the meeting, you took to long. We will fill you in later." Hoseok said.

"Oh okay. Well okay lets go out side." Jungkook grabbed y/ns hand and headed outside.



"Are you avoiding me?" I asked, he looked stunned at my studden outburst.

"No, why would you think that?" Jungkook asked, while he leaned against the frame of the door way.

"Well two days ago you had me prove that i liked you, then you dont call or text me for two days, you dont even answer my calls and texts. So that leads me to believe your avoiding me." He looked at me with a look i havent seen before. Regret.

"Im sorry about that, things just got a little crazy..." I didnt know if i should ask or not but i did.

"What got crazy?" He didnt make eye contact. Instead he sat on the porch steps and motioned me to sit next to him.

"Y/n, I do like you." He began slowly.

"Its because i like you, that i don't want to lie to you." He faced me, regret starting to rise in his eyes.

"Okay, go on Jungkook.." I was scared to hear what he was going to say next.

"So the night i last saw you. I left angry... I know i didnt seem like it when i was with you.. but when i walked out, Jimin was still outside. He was sitting on the porch bench you guys have out there." He was? I didnt know that.. Wait, we have a porch bench?

"He looked up and saw me,  i walked over to him asking if he was going to leave, because.. well i said you didnt want to see him." Maybe thats why Jimin hasnt talked to me since either.

"Why would you say that?" I was hurt that he would say that to him. Jimins friendship meant everything to me.

"Because i had just walked in on you guys having a moment. I didnt want there to be another." He admited

"So this is why you havent bothered to answer me ?" I asked

"Actually, no. The reason was, i had just left your house after having you prove to me that you liked me, got into a fight with Jimin which made me even more mad.. and some how i found myself..." he stopped, he sounded like he wasnt sure if he should keep going.

"Keep going." He looked at me with fear and what looked like guilt in his eyes.

"Your going to hate me.. extremely." Now i was getting irritated.

"Can you just finish already.." He nodded and breathed out.

"I found myself with a girl.. someone from my school.. I had gone to the park to cool down and she was there. We talked and talked, then i offered to take her home..." I didnt like where this was going.

"What happened next?" I asked, trying to hold back tears that i felt coming.

"We hooked up in my car.." He finally said, i felt like i had been played. He had just made me confess and prove to him that it was him that i liked. Then that same night he hooks up with another girl.

"Y/n im so sorry, this is why i couldnt answer you, or see you. I was ashamed at my behavi-" i cut him off.

"How could you do that? I know we werent exactly what you call 'a thing' but under the circumstances of that night..." My eyes started to water up.

"Y/n i really am sorry, believe me. If i could take it back i would." He grabbed my hand, holding it in his.

I pulled my hand away, standing up and walking to my car.

"Y/n, please dont go, lets just talk this out." I turned around to face him.

"I dont want to talk things out. I dont want to be around you right now so please just leave me alone." I was upset, sad, mad, but more embarrassed.

I got in my car and drove off. All i wanted to do was stuff my face with some food and watch a movie with my brother. He always knows how ro cheer me up.


This was a bit of a filler chapter with some drama lmao. Sorry about that😂

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