Chapter 24: Forever You and Me

Start from the beginning

Beam: What's wrong?

Phana: Both bullets were successfully removed but he lost too much blood. We are getting more blood in the bank. 

Beam: Anything that I can help with?

Phana: Start massaging his heart as I finalized the stitches. Come on Ming, don't give up on us now. Your family is waiting for you. What happened to the additional blood?

Doctor 1: The blood is here. 

Phana: Good. Now, start the transfusion.

All the doctors looked at the monitor that shows Ming's heartline starting to drop then it started to reach the flatline. 

Beep... Beep... Beep... 


Kit woke up and saw the twins sleeping on his bed. He smiled as he tried to sit up and made an effort not to move too much to avoid waking them up. Wayo saw him and approached his bed. He helped him to sit up. 

Wayo: I told them that they can sleep on the sofa bed but they insisted to sleep next to you. How are you feeling?

Kit: Hungry. What happened?

Wayo: Your surgery went well and Suthee is arrested.

Kit: And Ming?

Wayo started to sob that made Kit frantic, confused, frustrated and desperate to see his husband. 

Kit: Tell me Wayo! Where's my Ming?

Wayo started crying non-stop which didn't help to make Kit calm and his outburst woke the twins. Kit gets frantic every second and started crying and shouting as he calls out Ming's name. The twins saw their mother cried and started crying as well. Kit saw the twins crying out loud and hugged them and kissed them both on their foreheads.

Kit: I'm sorry, Kim and Cop. Mommy's here.

Phana was about to enter the room when he heard people crying inside and hurriedly opened the door and saw them crying. He approached Kit to check on Kit's condition. 

Phana: How are you feeling Kit?

Kit: I am fine. Phana, where's my husband?

Phana looked at Wayo and confused why his husband is crying. He approached him and hugged him to calm him down. 

Phana: He is fine but he is still unconscious. Stop crying Wayo, you should have told them first before you started crying. You almost gave Kit a heart attack and he is not allowed to strain his body.

Wayo: I'm sorry. I was just too happy that both of them are alright.

Kit: Wayo! Don't do that again! You almost gave me a heart attack.

Wayo: I'm sorry. 

Kit: Where is he?

Phana: He is currently in ICU for 24 hours monitoring. He will be transferred here tomorrow. So you need to rest, ok?

Kit: Ok, let me hold my twins for now. Kim and Cop, sorry to make you worry.

Kim: It's ok mommy, as long as you're here with us.

Cop: We love you mommy, and daddy.


After one week, Ming was transferred to where Kit was admitted but he is still not waking up. This made Kit scared, frustrated and desperate. He doesn't want to lose him again. All he wanted is for his family to be complete and for Ming to be back in his arms. He cannot bear the idea of losing Ming again. 

Kit: P! Why isn't he waking up?

Phana: I honestly don't know, His vitals are normal and his brain scans are normal. This is more on his part now.

Kit: What does that mean? Is he gonna leave us again? Is he not coming back for good?

Phana: Don't think that way Kit. What do you do if someone is lost?

Kit realized the answer with Phana's question. He understood what he needs to do next. He needs to guide Ming back to them. So every day, he and the twins talk to him in his sleep. Kit sometimes sleep next to him while the twins on the other bed. There are times he talked about how they met and how they fell in love with each other. He talked about their two weddings and their honeymoon when he conceived the twins. He also talked about Ming's desire to have another child and that will be a girl. Sometimes when Kit is asleep on the other bed, he can hear his twins talking to their dad and how their day went and how they tried not to wake up. Then one night, he woke up when he heard the twins crying next to Ming.

Kim: Daddy! Come back to us.

Cop: Daddy! Please don't leave us again.

Kit tried to stay quiet as he started to cry when he heard the twins begging their father to return to them. Kit was so thankful for having them in their lives for they are strong and brave twins. They've been through enough and they might be too young to understand the things that are currently happening to them but they have been his foundation to stay strong and reason not to lose hope especially when he was too depressed and they were the one who pulled him out. He can't stand it anymore so he stood up and approached the twins and pulled them both on his arms.

Kit: I love you both. We will get your father back to our lives. Ok?

Kim and Cop: Yes, mommy!

The twins started crying on Kit's arms as hard as they can for they already miss their father so much and they want their family to be whole again. Kit can feel their sorrow and their desperation to have their father back. He kissed them both on their cheeks and leaned down to kiss Ming on his forehead and whispered on his ear.

Kit: MMs, my beloved, my best friend, my love of my life, the father of my twins, I love you. We love you. Please come back to us.

After a few minutes full of crying and hugging. The three were able to calm down and Kit told them to sleep with him on the other bed and they can continue talking to Ming tomorrow once they have enough energy when suddenly...

Ming: Kit?

All three of them looked at him and started running towards him and showered him with their kisses and embrace which he welcomed happily and saw them crying in his arms. 

Ming: I am sorry I almost left you guys again and it took so long for me to go home. I promise I will never leave you guys ever again.

Ming didn't get a verbal response but he felt the mutual agreement from the three when they hugged him tighter and their crying getting louder. Now, the family Dechapanya is now complete and Ming couldn't be happier for returning back to his loving family and he made a silent vow that he will make his family the happiest people in his life. 


Yehey! This is the last chapter it took me a while to finish this since this will also be the end for this series for my fanfiction. Thank you guys so much for your patience and support. I will be writing next to the epilogue and will be focusing more on My Cruel Valentine. I hope you love this chapter!! 😘😘😘

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