Chapter Forty

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So here we are, on the second to last chapter and I am speechless, so I'm going to say I love you all and I hope this hasn't let you down in any way and if it has, I apologize. 

Enjoy! COMMENT and VOTE (:

-Whitney xoxo


Louis' POV:

Wednesday, 4:36 PM

Why am I so stupid? How could I think that she'd come with me after everything that's happened? I was lying to myself for weeks, telling myself she loved me, that she wanted all of the same things I wanted, but who was I kidding? She had her own plans from the start and I made a complete ass of myself by proposing and that stupid twist tie ring. God dammit I keep replaying it all in my head, every kiss, every fight, every time she would give me that look like I was saving her from something she didn't even understand. How did I get here? How did I get to this place? This place where all I think about is her and what she's thinking or if she's happy or... I can't do it anymore. I can't, but I can't not do it. I don't want to be with her and spend every waking moment questioning everything, but I don't want to be without her either. So what do I do? Do I get on that plane and leave her behind? Do I grieve what we had and then move on and meet someone else? Is that what she's expecting me to do? Well fuck that. I know she wants the same things, I know it. But I can't get the feeling of her hands trying to push me off of her and the way she refused to look at me, like I didn't matter, like I was nothing to her. The further away I get from her the more I hate her, the more I hate the way she makes me love her and the way I can't seem to let her go. How is it possible that one person can make you love them so deeply, so intensely? I have to get on that plane, I have to. But... I can't, and I won't. I'm going back to her to fight, to beg and plead until she agrees to be happy. She'll scream and cry and cut me down in every possible way but I'll fight back, I will, I'll fight and I won't give up on her because I want her and that's all there is to it.

"Turn the cab around." I say to the driver, dialing her number, but it goes straight to voice mail.

"Rae. We're not saying goodbye. Not yet." I hang up and sit back as the driver makes a U-turn, taking me back to one place I never should have left in the first place.

Rae's POV:

Wednesday, 4:36 PM

I look back at Harry and hold his gaze for a brief second before I step into the living room and see Peter smiling at me, his white teeth gleaming behind his chapped lips. His hair is shaggier than I remember and it's plastered to his forehead, the strands tangled and greasy. There is dirt under his finger nails and his eyes are bloodshot with deep purple circles under them. His whole body is shaking with a kind of consumption I can't quite place, almost like he's torturing himself internally. His right arm is raised and his hand is tightly wrapped around the gun, aimed directly at Harry. I stop about 6 or 7 feet away and complete the triangle between us, my eyes locked on Peter.

"Hi Peter, long time no see." I say sweetly, hoping that if I play into his hand I get him to let Harry go and we can deal with this just me and him.

"What happened to your eye?" He asks like an old friend chit chatting with me over lunch. I shrug and smile back at him, chuckling a little.

"Just a tiny misunderstanding." He flinches and rubs his eye, his hand wavering a little.

"Did your boyfriend hit you?" He asks darkly. His eyes glisten like the idea of someone hitting me gives him pleasure. I ignore his question and steer the conversation in another direction.

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