Chapter Eight

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“Are you going to drive me off of a cliff or something?” I ask, putting my hands on my hips. His crinkles his nose and purses his lips.

“Mmmm,” he says pretending to think it over, “not today, I’m not in the mood to get my hands dirty,” I roll my eyes, “Plus, you won’t be driving so there’s a good chance we’ll both live today.” He smiles with satisfaction and leans against the door frame, crossing his arms, his biceps flexing.

“You know, smug bastard really is your best color. You wear it so well.” I say, my voice rich with sarcasm. He presses a hand to his heart and tosses his head dramatically.

“Oh! I am so touched.” And then he dips into a low bow, his eyes focused on me, clearly enjoying himself. I ignore him and look out the window, glancing at him out Of the corner of my eye.

“So, where are we driving to?” He turns to leave, looking back at me, over his shoulder, ignoring my question.

“Go home, get dressed, I’ll be waiting outside when you’re ready.” I look back at him as he disappears around the corner. I go to the doorway and watch as he enters a room across the hall, the door standing slightly ajar. I pull my phone out of my pocket, it was 11:07 in the morning, Saturday the 14th of June. The accident was nearly two weeks ago, how could the time have passed that quickly? It felt like it was yesterday, as cliché as that is. I have five missed calls and a dozen texts asking where I am. I lock my phone and put it back in my pocket. I inhale and exhale slowly and leave Harry’s room, walking down the stairs slowly, peeking around each corner before stepping off of the last step and heading to the door. My hand wraps around the door knob and I pull the door open when I hear Gemma’s voice behind me.

“Bye, Rae.” She says pleasantly. I turn back to look at her, she’s smiling, her perfectly angled eyebrows raised as she smiles, a cup of coffee in her delicate hands. I was hoping to avoid this, but who was I kidding, of course this happens.

“See you later.” I say, waving as I clumsily slip out and close the door behind me. I walk quickly across their lawn, onto my driveway and up my porch steps. I open the door and shut it quietly behind me, wanting more than anything to go unnoticed. I can hear someone in the kitchen opening and closing cupboards. It was most likely my mom cooking breakfast. I tip toe quickly down the hallway and slip past the kitchen ad up the stairs without her noticing. She’s dressed in her usual blouse and khaki pants, her hair done up in her loose half pony tail, her hair falling down her back. I skip up the stairs, gripping my left leg for support as it trails behind me. I stop at the top, just before Aaron’s door. It’s closed, good. I walk past it and into my room, closing the door behind me. I go to my window and look down on Harry’s yard. There’s a white vintage looking BMW pulling out of the garage. That must be Louis’ car. I strip off my tank top and shorts, rummaging through my drawers hastily. I pull out a simple white v neck t shirt and pull it over my head, grabbing a dark pair of jean short and slip into them. I run a brush through my hair to smooth out the tangles and put a hair ties around my wrist just in case. I apply some deodorant and spray myself with body spray to cover up any smell. I check my mascara in the mirror. Still holding up except for a few flecks under my eyes. I grab a wipe from the package on my dresser and wipe under my eyes, applying a little eye liner. I put on some chap stick and take a look at myself in the mirror, looking myself up and down. It’ll have to do. I grab my wallet and put a 20 in my back pocket just in case and opened the door, quickly walking down the hallway and down the stairs. I’m about to head out, but I feel guilty for not at least telling my mom where I was last night or where I’m off to now. I turn around and head into the kitchen. She’s stirring waffle batter, the smell makes my stomach growl. I keep forgetting to eat lately and I was starving. I really hope Louis takes us somewhere with food.

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