Chapter Thirty Nine

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HI! Okay, here we go...Chapter 39. I am actually really excited about this chapter and hopefully you love it because we only have 2 chapters left. That is kind of crazy if you ask me. Okay! I love you guys, so bloody much! So enjoy! And COMMENT and VOTE!

-Whitney xoxo


"" I say slowly, processing everything as fast as I can. First she spots him somewhere in the city and now they find his car.

"Yes his car, are you deaf? It had been abandoned maybe two or three days ago. Listen to me, things are coming to a boiling point here and I need you to tell me if you've seen him." I blink a few times and shake my head, my body responding to her before my mouth can.

"No I haven't, but..." I bite the inside of my cheek and hold the words inside. Louis doesn't know about the call from Peter or the text, and I didn't want him to find out this way.

"But what?" She says curtly, all of her suspicion and doubt against me coming back at full force.

"The last time we talked I told you about some messages left on my phone, do you remember that?" I ask in a timid voice, feeling Louis moving behind me. She's silent for a moment and then she sighs.

"What about them?" I swallow down the bile rising in my throat and let it slip off of my tongue.

"He called me a couple of days ago, and once before that, but I can't remember when and...and last night he texted me." It all comes out in a hurry and I keep my back to Louis, too afraid to see the anger on his face for lying to him.

"What exactly did he say?" She says in a low voice.

"On the phone or in the text?" I ask, my head starting to spin. I was starting to sweat, when did it get so hot in here?

"Both." She snaps, making me jump slightly. I rub my forehead and close my eyes.

"He didn't say anything when he called, he just sat there on the phone, breathing for a few seconds and then he hung up. And the text message said..." I pause and open my eyes, turning in a slow circle to face Louis whose face is hard as stone, "It said I'm watching." Something flashes inside of his eyes, but I'm not sure what. He's standing so still I could barely touch him and he'd shatter into a million tiny pieces.

"Rae I need you to listen to me very carefully, okay? You don't need to worry, your house is well protected. Peter couldn't make a move even if he wanted to, so don't let him play mind games with you." She says in a quiet voice. I press the phone to my ear and strain to hear everything she has to say.

"But I should tell you that this isn't good. This isn't good at all. The fact that you withheld information regarding the whereabouts of a suspect in a murder case puts you an even worse light than you were before, do you understand?" Anger floods my body and I ball my hand into a fist.

"Withheld information? I didn't withhold anything! I called you multiple times and left messages, urgent messages in fact that instructed you to call me, and I don't know where he is. He could be in Siberia for all I know pretending to be watching me to get inside my head." I'm shouting now, my face red and hot with rage.

"Shut up!" She yells into the phone, "You did withhold information the last time we spoke, you can't deny that, but you're right, the text message can't be held against you, it happened within a 24 hour period." She sighs again, trying to collect her thoughts. There are people shouting her name in the background but she ignores them.

"Where are you right now? And don't lie to me." This woman has acted more like my mother than my own mother has since I've known her.

"I'm...not." I say, avoiding Louis' eyes. She groans in frustration.

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