Chapter Thirty Six

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Bonjour mon amies!! Sorry the last chapter was lame and short, but you do what ya gotta do, ya feel? Anyway, as usual I need to express my love for all of you and the fact that you keep reading this rubbish day in and day out. (: (: So my pets, COMMENT and VOTE!!

*big kiss, little hug* -Whitney!


"A lead? What...what exactly does that mean?" I lean my shoulder against the wall for support as my head goes reeling.

"He was spotted in the city. That type of thing is called a lead." She says in an annoyed voice. God, I love our little relationship. I take a deep breath and wet my dry lips.

"Okay, so, what now?" Spotting him in a crowded city didn't sound like much of a lead to me, and to be frank, I don't care if they spotted him, I need to tell her that he called me.

"We pursue it. After days of watching and waiting we finally have something, act a little relieved Ms. Whitman." Relieved? She wants me to be relieved because she spotted Peter in the city? I'm definitely feeling something and it is not relief.

"Look, Detective, about my messages, there is something I really need to tell you-" There's suddenly many voices talking all at once on her end and I bite my lip, listening.

"I'm sorry Rae, I have to go." She says in a hurried voice. My heart drops, fear flooding my body.

"Wait! No, just give me a second, please!" I say loudly.

"You have 30 seconds." She says and I panic saying the first thing that comes to mind.

"The surveillance detail." I blurt out. There's a moment of silence on her end.

"What about it?" She snaps. I swallow, my tongue feeling too big for my mouth. Why am I choosing to tell her about his and not Peter? Dammit Rae...

"It hasn't been outside of my house for a few days now. Should I be worried?" I ask in a voice resembling a small child asking her parents about the shadows coming out of her closet.

"When did you first notice they weren't there?" She asks, interested in what I have to say now. I think back, trying to remember what day it was, but each day feels like one long day that never seems to end.

"Uh, it was...uh...last Wednesday I think..." I press my hand to my forehead in an attempt to hold my head up.

"You think?" She says skeptically. I can almost see her eyes watching me, filled with doubt.

"I know." I correct, trying to put some confidence into my voice.

"I'll look into it, and for now, stay put. Where are you now?" I open my mouth and then close it. Do I tell her the truth or do I lie?

"At home." I say, my mind doing all of the talking. She sighs, and a new round of talking erupts on her end again.

"Good, don't leave the house do you understand?" I nod and then realize she can't see me.

"Yes," I say wearily, wishing this conversation had gone a different way, "And Detective? Please check your messages." I wait for her to respond but all I hear is static and then the line goes dead. My arm falls to my side and I stare blankly down the hallway.

"Shit, shit, shit." I mutter under my breath. I should have told her that Peter called me first. I should have skipped the hello and gone straight to the problem at hand. What is the matter with me? I push off of the wall and walk out of the sliding glass doors and into the warm day. It's Friday morning but it feels like a week has passed since I woke up. I spot my car and head straight for it, Louis and Harry already buckled in and ready to go. I slide into the passenger seat and Louis starts the car as soon as I shut the door. His eyelids are heavy and he yawns.

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