When she left Louisiana and thought of going into the dating world, no guy she had seen took a second glance at her when they find out she is a single mother "No real man would want to care for another man's child" one of her dates had told her. She had gone to numerous blind dates conducted by her best friend Nadia, the best receptionist in Ella Doks. And none passed a month or a week.

She kept on laughing at people with her daughter. Cara walked towards them at the same time Petra stood up, she waved at both of them and mixed with the crowd.

"What a joyful kid?" Cara asked making it sound more like a statement.

Amalie smiled, picked up her glass and took a sip of her champagne.

"I'm gonna miss you And." Cara hugged her. Amalie smirked, cleared her throat releasing Cara from the hug.

  "It's just gonna be two weeks, who you kidding? I'll miss you always."

Nadia sneaked up on them and said "Hey girls" She smiled and sat on Amalie's other side.

Nadia Appleton a black american in her early thirties, a jovial person wore a purple dress like that of Amalie but hers hand just one hand.

   "Someone's smiling" Cara said winking at Nadia.

   "Don't make me blush." they laughed

"Did I tell that Ama looks sweet sixteen tonight especially."they chuckled

   "So mean" Amalie sipped her drink and rolled her eyes.

"Well any guy hitting?" Nadia asked and winked.

  "I think it's high time you quit sending me to this hideous blind dates."

   "No! No! No! It works for some." Cara smiled at her hubby

"Thank goodness you said some."

"Ama she's right. Though I was a victim but through that I met an amazing guy. It could work."

   "Could!"Amalie rolled her eyes at them."I just want someone who loves me and my child. She is friendly loving and well at times a talkative. She is a joyful fellow."

  "Yeah" they glanced at Petra.

"She's beautiful yet cute like her mum"Nadia said. They smiled.

  "It will only take a miracle for you to find a man who would accept another man's child."


"But I won't stop pestering you about blind dates" Cara and Amalie laughed.

   "What's funny?" Someone asked, they looked back and found thier boss smiling at them. They stood up, Cara first hugged her
"You came!" She said after they hugged.

"Well got the invitation late."

  Ella is a charming beauty in her late fifties with clear white skin and short blonde hair, widowed with two kids. Both children are married. She started Ella Doks at her early thirties with her loving husband Robert Dokins who was a military man. Ella Doks became a big company one of the biggest and best selling beauty company. Her husband died from cancer at age 49 and she has not stopped believing in love, second chances and beauty.

  "My personal assistant gave me this morning. Congratulations" she hugged her again."You look so beautiful in white." She drew back.

"Thanks Ella."

  "Anytime dear." She sat opposite Amalie and they all sat down. "This party is very beautiful and calling something Ella loves."

They all nodded and chorused "yeah"

"Amalie is your cute daughter here. Never got a chance to met her. "

"Oh yeah" without another word Amalie stood up and came back with her daughter.

"Petra this is my boss, Ella."

  "Hello ma'am." Petra said, greeting her boss.

"Aunt would be better."

"Okay. Aunt Ella." Ella smiled

"Lovely child. How old are you?"

"Nine years."

"You seem pretty shy."

"When she is around new faces." Amalie said.

"Don't worry. Mum talks about you all the time." Petra said replying Ella, Amalie tapped her. "She says you're a good person."

    "Very impressive, so you know me now."

"Mom is kinda like me. We tell each other everything, so I know alot about you, Aunt Nadia, Aunt Cara, Uncle Elvis and Uncle Ed."

"Hmmmn." They chorused

"Is your mommy crushing on Uncle Ed?" Ella asked. They chuckled while Amalie gave Petra a stern look.

"I don't know yet," when she moved closer and whispered "I think he's gay." they all burst into laughter.

Nadia stood up "sorry but I have to go to my date before someone does."

"You brought a date to a wedding." Ella said surprised. Before Nadia could run away someone behind started to count "5...4...3.."
They joined in the counting "2..1.."

Immediately Elvis and Cara drove away so did Amalie. They drove home while Petra kept ranting about her day. When they got home and Amalie unlocked the door, she walked upstairs to her room for a quick shower, changed into her night dress and jumped on her bed.

  "Mom, won't you tuck me in?" Petra called from her room.

  "Oh Pet... I'll be right there." Amalie got down from her bed and walked to her daughter's room.

"Mom, you know I love you more than anyone in the world." Petra shined her teeth.

  "Of course Baby...you remind me  everyday."Petra closed her teeth and half smiled.

"Is something wrong?" Amelia asked at her daughter half smile.

"Nothing I just want you to be happy, that's all."

  "You did make sure of that coming into this world." She pecked Petra on her forehead, stood up and walked to the switch, stopped and looked back "I love you baby. Goodnight"

"Goodnight, Mom. I love you too." Petra replied and Amalie switched off the lights and closed the door.

She didn't head to her room, instead she turned towards the stairs. Walked into the kitchen, she walked to the fridge took out a milk and poured into a cup.

It will only take a miracle to make me happy. She thought as she rinsed her cup and put it back on the shelf.

A/N: Thanks for reading the first chapter..I appreciate. I'll appreciate more if you vote, omment and continue reading..😏😏 I have written 1509 words so far, yipee! I don't have a regular date to post so I will post when I feel like it ..😁😁.  If you like comment if you don't nevermind. If you noticed any mistakes please tell me. There is always room to improve.

Love you people.

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