❃ finalé ❃

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yoongi knocked on the door in his tipsy state and waited impatiently before jin appeared in the doorway, smelling the stench of regret and alcohol

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yoongi knocked on the door in his tipsy state and waited impatiently before jin appeared in the doorway, smelling the stench of regret and alcohol.

"what are you doing here yoongi?" jin asked, as if it wasn't obvious.

"i need to see my angel." yoongi looked jin in his eyes, his breath smelt like vodka and scotch and jin could faintly smell another women's perfume all over him, not to mention the lipstick on his lips.

jin sighed. "you can't see him looking like this, he'll never take you back." he put his hands on yoongi's shoulders. he saw the pity and desperation in his face and felt pity for the mess of a man in front of him.

"come inside and sober up." he said and yoongi followed jin inside as he was greeted with a tight and loving hug from jimin before they all went into the kitchen, giving yoongi some coffee.

yoongi tasted the bitter drink, allowing him to wake up and look around the room. he could feel all eyes on him. some with anger, some with sympathy and some with sadness.

"how did he find out?" jungkook was the first one to speak up, the deafening sound of yoongi sipping his coffee get annoying.

"vernon just flat out told him." yoongi sighed out, his slur still faintly there. "no warning. no explanation. by the time i walked in, he was already in tears." yoongi's chest pained as he thought of namjoon's tears.

yoongi began to walk away from the kitchen toward the upstairs and hoseok stopped him, glaring daggers into his eyes.

"are you fucking stupid yoongi?" hoseok spat. "you smell like alcohol and other women and that's how you're going to look apologizing to him?" hoseok put his finger into yoongi's chest. "do better, that's my bestfriend you dickwad."

yoongi looked down at his shoes and felt tears well up in his eyes. he knew hoseok was right. that namjoon deserved so much more, so much better and that wasn't him.

"jesus christ babe, don't shoot him down like that." jimin spoke up, "yoongi, namjoon loves you and you love him like a lot." yoongi sniffled and smiled at jimin's statement. "but you need to give him a little bit of space or time to process."

yoongi heart dropped into his stomach when he heard he needed to give namjoon "time". he didn't want to.

he didn't want namjoon to be able to think, like or love someone else but yoongi. he was afraid that if he waited too long then he could lose him.

but if he went too fast he could also lose him. it was overwhelming.

yoongi snapped out of his thoughts as jimin gave him a towel and some clothes to freshen up in the bathroom.

he smiled at jimin and the others before saying a small 'thank you' and going to shower.

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