❃ eight ❃

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yoongi giggled and laughed uncontrollably as he finished his third bottle of bordeaux

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yoongi giggled and laughed uncontrollably as he finished his third bottle of bordeaux. it was now 8:57pm and he had been drinking for hours.

he wobbled drunkly over to his liquor cabinet and sloppily pulled out a bottle of whiskey. he laughed again as he almost dropped it out of his hand. he popped it open and drank straight from the bottle.

he spun around quickly, giggling until he hit something and fell on the ground. he rolled over and saw jimin's prototype, broken on the floor.

yoongi eyes grew large. "fuck!" he breathed out. "fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" he scrambled to his feet and went over to the prototype.

it was broken into so many pieces. how could he fix this when it was due in one day. he ran to his desk, grabbing his phone and unlocked it after four tries.

he scrolled through his contact list and hit the first contact that came to mind and he called it immediately, hands shaking, on the verge of tears.

namjoon laughed loudly as he laid in taehyung's chest. it was him, taehyung, hoseok, jungkook, jimin and jin in jimin's living room. they were listening to hoseok talk about how he & jimin had met.

hoseok was laughing as he told the story, "and then he-" namjoon's phone began to ring loudly. taehyung groaned softly as namjoin removed himself, quickly running to the kitchen to get his phone.

namjoon's eyebrows furrowed as yoongi's contact flashed on his phone. he picked up the phone to yoongi's slurred voice. "joon! oh joonie!" yoongi basically screamed into the phone. "can you come over? please it's an emergency."

"yoongi i'm-" namjoon tried to explain that he was busy but to no avail. "please namjoon you would really save my ass!" yoongi pleaded. "please!" namjoon heard taehyung's sultry laugh and then looked at the door, he sighed.

"okay i'm coming." namjoon said and hung up and went back into the living room. "yoongi needs me to save his ass apparently." he stated while putting on his vans.

"save his ass?" jin questioned. "i don't know." namjoon replied. "he said it's an emergency but i don't know why he needs my help."

"maybe he needs help with his hard on." jimin mutters in hoseok's ear and they both snickered.

taehyung rolled his eyes and got up to pick up his sweater he left there earlier that week. "here babe," he said as he handed the large lavender sweater to namjoon. "it might be a little chilly out now."

namjoon slowly took the sweater as his face heated up. 'babe' rang through his mind over and over. he smiled at taehyung sheepishly and kissed him on the cheek.

"bye guys!" he waved to them all and called himself a cab over to yoongi's apartment.

the elevator dinged and yoongi rushes toward it and threw hismelf onto namjoon, making them topple onto the ground.

namjoon groaned. "yoongi, you smell like alcohol. are you drunk?" yoongi lifted his head up and swallowed nervously. he got off namjoon and helped him up by the hand pulling him into his chest. they stood there, just for a second.

namjoon traced yoongi's distraught facial features. a strong jaw, flushed yet pretty skin. his eyes were hooded and hair was disheveled. he went to look at the rest of him and saw an assortment of of hickeys on his neck.

namjoon cleared his throat. "s-so what's the problem?" yoongi blinked, like he was zoned out and took namjoon's hand, leading him to his office.

when namjoon saw the broken prototype he gasped. "how am i suppose to help you fix this?" yoongi turned to namjoon and whined. he went over to his desk and began to drink the whiskey again when namjoon pulled it out of his hand.

"i think you drank enough tonight." namjoon said in a loving tone. he took yoongi's hand and led him to his kitchen. namjoon sat yoongi down on a stool near the island and started looking through his cabinets for things to make coffee.

"you need to sober up." namjoon said finding some mugs. "drinking is what led you to this problem so-"

"why are you wearing taehyung's sweater?" yoongi slurred, staring at namjoon's figure. namjoon was startled at the question, almost dropping the coffee grinds he found.

"why are you asking?" namjoon said, continuing to make the coffee. yoongi got off his chair and walked up behind namjoon. he wrapped his arms around namjoon's waist.

namjoon quietly squealed and blushed profusely. yoongi kissed him twice on the neck. "i don't want you wearing his sweater." yoongi said lowly into namjoon's neck. he ran his hands up to the top of the sweater, slowly zipping it down.

namjoon laughed breathily and turned around quickly. "yoongi you're drunk. y-you don't know what you're saying." yoongi pulled namjoon closer him. "i know exactly what i'm saying." yoongi said.

namjoon smiled nervously and loosened himself from yoongi's grip. "why don't you go and take a cold shower and while i finish this coffee and start on fixing the prototype?" yoongi sighed before walking out of the kitchen.

namjoon braced himself against the counter, breathing heavily, touching his neck where yoongi kissed. he bit his lip.

and he smiled.

©peachyyjin/// 2019

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