"I've gotta go" is all I said before driving away from him.

I got back to the house and walked in. "Betty?!" I called out. I rushed upstairs and into our room where she was sat at the desk on her laptop.

"Thank god you're here. You worried me" I spoke.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just had to leave early so I could get some research done" she replied, not even looking round to see me. I wanted to pull her into a tight hug now that I knew she was safe but I knew she would just sit there.

"Are we gonna talk about the argument?"

"Yeah, yeah we're good. Just forget what happened" she said as if she couldn't care less. I rolled my eyes and went downstairs, not wanting to be around her when she was like this.

"Jug! Foods nearly ready, go and get Betty" my dad cheered.

"Yeah no, someone else can do it" I spoke angrily.

"Already fighting? Living together is a struggle at first-" he tried to lecture.

"No dad it's not about that" I groaned. He went upstairs to get her but came back down unsuccessful.

"She doesn't want anything"

"What a surprise"

"What's going on?" he asked sitting opposite me.


"Come on. Tell me"

"Fine...it's this stupid obsession she's taken up. It's all about her dad now, she's blaming herself for prom night and is trying to figure out how he escaped and where he is. She's skipping meals, staying up late and leaving school early just to piece together the puzzle. She won't even let me help to take some stress away from her because she thinks it's her problem only. Last night I woke up at 3am and she was sat up in bed on her laptop. Today she just lashed out at me when I told her she needed to eat something. I don't know what to do anymore" I explained, meanwhile trying to hold back a tsunami of emotions. My dad pulled me into a comforting hug and patted my back.

"Let me try and talk to her. Why don't you go for a walk and clear your head?" he suggested knowing my emotions were bubbling up. I nodded and left my phone on the table before leaving the house swiftly.


"Hey darling" I spoke as I opened the door.

"Hi" Betty replied shortly.

"Can we talk?" I asked hopefully.

"Yeah, let me just finish this sentence"

I waited a good ten minutes which was definetly more than a sentence. I think she was just trying to take so long that I would give up, no chance. She gave in and got up from the desk before sitting cross legged on the bed. I sat down on the bed as well and thought of what to say.

"Darling, when was your last full meal?" I asked.

"Uh I don't know. I had an apple this morning"

"I mean a proper meal"

"Probably a few days back" she shrugged. Is she really that oblivious?

"And last time you slept well without ending up doing research?" I pushed further.

"Maybe a couple of weeks ago? Why are you asking all of this, it's a waste of my time!" she complained.

"Betty... you aren't taking care of yourself. You haven't eaten or slept properly in ages, you're blaming yourself constantly, you're lashing out at Jughead and you're blanking everyone around you" I blurted out.

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