One On One Time with Good Old Uncle Peter

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Talia's POV

"Hey Uncle Peter." I said as I say on the couch.

"Hey Talia." He said all grumpy. He always grumpy. He like the king of grumpiness.

"Why are you so grumpy?" I asked. He looks at me like I'm crazy.

"I am not grumpy. I'm just.........crabby." He said.

"That means the same thing." I said.

"Talia just go play with Cora." He said.

"No.... We are going to watch my favorite movie, and I guarantee you will be crying at the end." I said. This is going to be awesome.

"What movie?" He asked.

"The Fault in Our Stars." I said with an evil face.


(End of the movie)

"Why did Augustus have to die." Uncle Peter sobbed uncontrollably.

"It part of the circle of life. You have to accept it." I said. He put his head on my lap and cried. Daddy walked it.

"What did you do to him." Daddy asked.

"Derek.. Why did he have to die?" Uncle Peter asked him. Daddy looked over at me with a "What the hell look"

"I made him watch The Fault in Our Stars." I said.

"WHY!!!!!" Peter screamed.

"Why did you make him watch it, you know how he gets around emotional movies." Daddy said. Their was a knock at the door.

"I got it." I screamed.

I walked to the door and their was this man I've never seen before. I was getting a bad vibe from him.

"Daddy....." I said with a fright. Daddy ran up to me.

"What are you doing here?" Daddy asked.

"I'm here just to say hi to my granddaughter. Hi Talia I'm your grampa." He said. I hide behind daddy's leg.

"You are not going to touch her." The man pulled something an threw it at my dad's leg. He went down and passed out.

"DADDY!" I screamed. The man grabbed me and all the saw was darkness.

Derek Hales Long Lost DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now