Family Reuion

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Derek's point of view

"Mom,Dad Laura." I said. My mom walked over to me and held my face with her hands. I starred into her eyes. She soon embraced me with a hug. I felt a few tears down my cheek.

"Daddy are you okay?" Talia asked. I look down at her and just starred at her.

"Yeah, just happy to see my family." I picked up Talia and spun her around. Laura and Dad came up to me and hugged me. Mom and Dad went over to Cora while Laura stayed with me.

"Edwards back." Laura said. Edward... That name still freaks me out. I still remember the time Paige told me that story


"Paige... Why is their a bruise on your cheek?" I asked her.

"I fell on the ground." She said. Her heartbeat speed up when she said ground.

"I know your lying." I said.

"Okay... My father drinks when he gets angry and blames my mother death on me. He been drinking since my mom died when I was 6. Every since then, he's abused and rape me." At this point she starts crying. I just held her in my arms just trying to comfort her.

"M-my mother, N-Nicole died of c-cancer. She got diagnosed r-right after I was born. I always think back if I wasn't born, then my mother would be alive. It all my fault." She kept on repeating.

"Paige, look at me. This is not your fault. It was just her time to go. If you weren't born... I would have never met you." I had tears in my eye. I would protect Paige if it was the last thing I do.

*Flashback over

"I thought he died in that car accident?" I asked Laura.

"He some how survived, and that's not the worst park...... He a kin-Banshee too."

"How are we suppose to defeat him?" I asked. No werewolf could fight him off.

"Only a Tra-Alpha can. Only Talia can defeat him."

"She just a kid. What are we suppose to do?" I asked my sister.

"Train her of her ability. She have some ability, but on her 10th birthday she will have all of them. It just like in the book Beautiful Creature... She going to be claimed. "

"What?" I was so confused, I didn't even know what Beautiful Creatures was.

"Derek..... Your an idiot!" Laura screamed and hit me on the back of the head.

"Ow..... I have a question.... Will you guys stay forever?"

"We only can appear when you guys are in grave danger or Talia needs us. We need to go. I love you Derek." Laura gave me a Hale Hug.

"I love you too Laura." Mom came up to me.

"Derek.... You have grown up so much and helped a bitten werewolf. You are an amazing son and I couldn't ask for better. I love you." Mom hugged me then went to Laura. Soon everyone had said their good byes.

"Talia say disappear." Laura told Talia.

"Disappear." Soon all the hale family was gone. Their was a knock on the door. Stiles opened the door.

"I'm looking for Derek Hale." A girls voice said.

"Derek it for you." A girl appeared. She looked like a girl version of me.

Derek Hales Long Lost DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now