A Plan

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(Scott's Dream)

Suddenly Mrs. Hale came out of no where.

"Scott, your the only one who can break the curse. You have to save my granddaughter from that monster." Mrs. Hale said.

"But how, how is a 17 year old werewolf, suppose to known how to break the curse." I said. I put my head down.

"That's the point Scott, you don't know. So which enemy of yours knows all about the supernatural, and I might say is greedy for power." She raised her eyebrow at me.

That's when it clicked.


Suddenly my dreamland circled around me, I was then back into the real world.

I looked up to see Talia and Lydia asleep. I told Deaton to call the pack to come over here for a meeting to tell them what I dreamed about.

After 15 minutes, they all arrived.

"So I called this meeting to discuss what we know, and to make a plan. Derek and Peter, what did you find at my house? " I asked.

"We searched all around your house and all we found was this necklace." Derek said. (I pick Elena Gilberts necklace, vampire diaries is not involved.)

"Once Talia and Lydia wake up, will see if they recognized it." Stiles said.

"So Scott, Did you find anything?" Peter asked.

"Uh, I think Scott did because look at the seat he was sleeping in." Deaton said pointing to a seat. It had claw marks all over it.

"I did, I had a dream about Allison yelling my name and she said I had to meet someone, he was my great grandfather, he was the first McCall, and I guess the family used to be called McHale, and there was a battle and the werewolf gene stayed with the Hales. That's why the Hale house burned down. It was not Kate, she believed she did it. He said only a McCall protector and a Hale Tra-Alpha can beat Edward, and find the cure. He also said I was The Chosen One- one of the greatest werewolfof all time. Talia and I can conger up energy into plasma bolts, manipulate matter, and much more. He said the only way to break the curse is to find the Book of McHale. " I explained.

We suddenly heard two gasps.

"Talia!" Derek screamed. Derek ran over to her and hugged her. She ran over to me and hugged me.

"Thanks for being my protector Scott, I kinda got a feeling, and Grama told me everything.

"Talia, can I ask you a question?" She nodded. "Do you recognize this necklace?" I asked.

She gasped.

"That's my mothers necklace." We looked at her, wondering....

Is her mother alive?

Derek Hales Long Lost DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now