What Makes You Happy? (Part 2) (Sam Wilson x reader)

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With a cup of coffee in one hand and your SHIELD badge in the other, you walked as calmly as you could through the corridors of the hospital, nauseated by the sounds and scents of an environment that you wished you didn't have to be in right now. Sam had called and given you the okay to come up and see Steve as soon as he was out of surgery; he refused to leave the man's side, so if you wanted to see Sam, you had to see Steve, too.

"I'm here to see Captain Rogers," you announced to the guard at the door, holding up your badge.

The man who wore his bullet proof vest over his shirt like a newbie, and his gun too far forward on his hip as if no one would ever be able to reach it there, looked at your ID with a little too much attention. It was painfully clear that he had no idea what he was actually looking at. "I'm sorry, ma'am, but SHIELD no longer exists."

"Seriously? That was like three hours ago. I haven't exactly had time to find a new job yet."

"Still, I'm sorry, but I can't let you in."

With a huff you put your badge in your pocket and reached for your phone, only for the guard to straighten his posture with a hand sliding towards his weapon. "Calm down, junior patrol, I'm getting my phone...see?"

"Sorry, ma'am."

"And stop calling me ma'am," you snapped, dialing quickly and bringing the phone to your ear. "Hey, Sam. I'm outside and there's a baby ranger who won't let me in."

Heavy and fast footsteps towards the door left the poor young man startled and stepping aside, his eyes wide at his error and almost pleading for you to let him off the hook you'd hoisted his career on. The door opened and Sam said nothing, holding it open for you to pass by him; he didn't move, however, only staring at the guard with a straight face and not giving anything away. It left the poor guy cowering and stepping back against the wall, staring ahead and hoping that Sam would just give up and leave him be.

"For future reference," Sam smiled blankly, "that's my wife, and she can come in here any time she wants, understood?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good boy," he answered, closing the door so the man could finally take a breath. "Alright, so that guy won't be a problem anymore. Fixed it for ya, babe."

"I'm your wife?" you smirked. "When did we have time to get married in all of this?"

"He doesn't need to know that. It worked, okay, just play along. We'll get to that soon enough."

"You seem pretty confident for a guy who hasn't even asked me yet."

"Uh...yeah...well..." Sam stammered, rubbing a nervous hand on his cheek as he struggled for an answer, "so about that..."

"Don't do it here, please," Steve joined in, groaning painfully as he pushed himself up to sit. He coughed away the stab in his side that stole his breath, trying to appear like his wounds weren't all that bad, and that he was ready to get up and go, but when he sat up a little too quickly and his head began to spin he had to relent to what his body had survived and the super soldier dropped back against the pillow in rare defeat.

Poor Sam looked caught in a cross between relieved and annoyed, but he welcomed the distraction. After Steve had ruined his train of thought during that run at their first meeting, he hadn't had time to think any more about how to go about asking you; hell, he hadn't even bought a ring yet. He was grossly unprepared, but once this was over, and when he could trust Steve to be left alone and not get himself into even more trouble, he was all over it.

"Hey, Cap," you greeted, sitting on the edge of his bed next to him, "you look terrible."

"Thanks. I feel terrible. That for me?" he nodded towards the cup in your hand. "If it is, you're my new favorite person."

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