It's All Fun and Games Until...(Pietro Maximoff x reader)

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"Barton! Don't move! You're going to scare her!" You may have been yelling at Clint to keep his distance, but your eyes were locked on the target of the team's attentions. During your fight in Sokovia and against Ultron, you had crossed paths with someone who appeared to be enhanced, or perhaps a mutant, but you weren't yet sure. She clearly had powers of some kind, but the look in her eyes and the rigid posture of downright panic made it obvious that now wasn't the best time for you all to find out what she was.

Clint followed your command and held his position, but Steve had slowly and methodically taken quiet steps to take his place behind you, his shield held out before him. Just the slightest movement came from the woman's feet, and you reached back quickly to stop your teammate from going any further. "Steve, step back."

"(Y/N), we don't know who they are," he warned in a harsh whisper, "or what they are."

"We're never going to find out if we scare her away, are we?" you hissed back, trying to hold your expression. Any sudden movement brought out an animalistic fear in her, and you just wanted everyone to calm down and let your plan work. "Can you tell me your name?" you asked her gently. "Are you injured? Do you need help? Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"We don't have time for this," Clint began to argue. The sounds of the battle raged on in the nearby distance, and it kept drawing his attention away. "Cap, you got it here? I think one of us should get back in there."

"Go," Steve nodded. "(Y/N), make a move, or we have to leave."

With a held breath and barely assured determination, you took a single step forward with your hand extended, trying to carry the picture of calm despite the raging, churning nerves in your gut. Your first step wasn't met with resistance, so you took another, and another; your hand was still held out for the stranger to take, and your final step brought you so close that she could have, easily. It was the loud explosion behind you, and the words you would choose next that ruined your progress.

"Please, it's okay. I'm here to help."

I'm here to help.

They were words that Ultron had spoken menacingly as he obliterated JARVIS, heard when Tony had played back the moment for the team to hear; the look on her face now, with widened eyes filled with pure panic, told you that they were words that she had heard just the same. In her fright, she burst forward with the need to run, but you were directly in her path. She grabbed your arm so tightly that you swore you heard a snap of your bone within her fingers.

"(Y/N)!" Steve tried, but he met the same result, with her hand grabbing his arm just as desperately. She closed her eyes for just a moment, and when she opened them again, she looked at the Captain with a renewed drive and pushed him away hard enough to toss him a few hundred feet to leave her alone with you. It was as if she had taken on his power only to use it against him. The sudden surge was both impressive and terrifying and you feared what your fate would be next.

"Help," she whispered, her attention back to you with pleading eyes.


"Take it away. Make it gone."

"Take what away?" you tried, but she wouldn't say any more. Her other hand came up and grabbed you, her stare boring into your soul and making you feel weaker by the second under her grip. Or, maybe it wasn't her stare, but something else stripping you of your strength.

"What...w-what are you doing?"

"Take it away...please," she repeated, "no more." Her eyes began to flicker and her hold loosened, until she appeared to be completely drained of life; her body pitched and swayed, leaving Steve to barely make it in time to catch her before she hit the ground. He had only just rested her head and turned to you, when your body mimicked hers and the last sight you had before darkness was Steve not making it in time to save you from the hit.

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