This IS My Costume (Avengers/MCU Cast x reader)

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Again, the universe of cast and Avengers together

It had been a while since you had gathered the cast together with the Avengers, and nothing felt more appropriate to do so than a party for New Year's Eve. The few parties that you had thrown at the tower had been a success, so with the team moving upstate to the compound, it allowed for a better environment to do another. There was a better element of security and privacy away from the tower's location in Manhattan, but you worried that it would also bring more opportunity for mischief, given this group.

To add something a little different and to see just how creative they could be, you decided on throwing a costume party, with the only rule being that they all had to dress as their favorite Disney characters. You were certain that with this group, the results would be amazing.

"Honey, come on, we're gonna be late for our own party! Again!" you called out to Steve. You had been dressed for the last half an hour, and he had yet to emerge from the bathroom to get dressed. "Seriously, your showers are as long as you are old!"

"Just go ahead, I'll be down in a minute!"

"You lie!"

Steve poked his out from the door with a shocked look, as if he had never heard that before despite that being nowhere near true. "Rude, doll. Don't make me say it."

"No, please don't," you relented, "I'll just meet you downstairs. I'll just remind everyone that your beauty regimen can't be interrupted."

"Yeah, thanks. Helpful," he scoffed, closing the door as he returned to whatever it was that he was doing in there. You could only assume that with Evans attending the party, Steve would be certain to look as good as humanly possible; the playful competitiveness between the two hadn't cooled off at all even after so many years as friends.

You never could decide if that was a good thing, or a bad thing.


Straightening your costume as you took the elevator to the main floor, dressed as your own favorite character, you grew more and more excited to see what everyone had chosen. In a group filled with both actors and Avengers, you knew that there would have to be some very original interpretations and choices, and that alone would make this one of the best New Year's Eve parties that you had ever been to. The lift door finally opened and you put on your best smile, only to find it dropping away almost immediately once the sight came into full view.

"You guys," you snapped, "why isn't everyone in a costume?! The invitation was pretty clear!"

"What? We are?" Tony shrugged, looking down at the immaculate suit and tie he was wearing. The suit itself was nowhere near traditional, however; it was colorful and patterned, with what looked like brand-new Vans on his feet rather than dress shoes. "I'm going as Downey."

Next to him stood the object of his choice, also dressed very sharply, in a tuxedo with Tony's signature glasses adorning his handsome face, and one of Iron Man's gauntlets on his hand. "Yeah, kid. I'm Stark. We're totally in costume."

"Oh my god," you groaned, "leave it to you two to screw this up just to feed your own egos."

"Hey, that's uncalled for," Tony huffed, "we're not the only ones! Barnes and Stan are doing the same thing! So is Barton and Renner!"

"Are you serious? Whose bright idea was this?"

"Hey gorgeous."

Even though you probably didn't even have to ask, his simple greeting gave it away through his tone. Chris quickly crossed the room to stand at your side, placing an apprehensive kiss on your cheek despite the scolding look in your eyes. "Evans. I should've known."

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