That's My Boy (Parker/Stark x reader)

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A little angst, trauma, injury

The relationship that you had with Peter Parker was an unconventional one, as best as you could put it. He was new to the life as a superhero, thanks in large part to Tony's assistance, and by association, you felt a responsibility to the kid as much as he did. As an Avenger, you could help to train Peter in his skills and the ways of this life that he had yet to understand; as Tony's wife, you could run interference when his influence felt a little reckless, or when the fatherly advice pushed a little too far. It wasn't that you were trying to take May's place in any way; in fact, you were finding yourself in the position to offer your help in ways that she couldn't, and the two of you complemented each other all too well where Peter was concerned.

When it came to girl problems, Peter found solid advice from his Aunt, with tips on how to talk to them without sounding like too much of a doofus. When it came to Hydra agents who happened to be girls and he was afraid to hurt them, he found sound advice from you and the okay to use full force to take them down without a second thought. Between the two of you, his fear of female interaction all but disappeared within a matter of weeks.

With his new commitments to bettering the world around him, his grades slipped a few times, surprising even him, but Tony stepped up and used his influence to convince his teachers to look the other way just this once, only to find that once turned into several times, each of them mysteriously corrected with a little extra funding in the right places. Peter never knew why his marks suddenly improved, and Tony made sure to never let him; most of it was stuff that he could teach the kid anyway, so he didn't see the harm in a pass here and there.

What Peter didn't do well with, and what none of you handled any better, was the prospect of hurting or losing a teammate, or the fear of hurting an innocent with the work you were doing. Sometimes the greater good had to wait, because their saviors were the ones needing saving.

"Pete, look at me, alright?" you urged, grabbing for him as he struggled to reach out to you. "Take my hand, and I'll get you out of this, I promise."

"I'm trying..." he panted, stretching his arm to its limits. He had stumbled into a deep ravine, running out of his web fluid and holding on to a broken tree that was jutting out from its wall to keep him from tumbling to a horrible injury, if not death if he landed wrong. You were balanced carefully over the precipice, your arm stretched just as fully, your fingertips just barely grazing each other.

"You're almost there, honey, just a little further."

"(Y/N)...if I fall-"

"You're not."

"You and Tony have been the best...mentors...parents...that I could ask for..." he grunted, trying to force his arm to lengthen. "I love you guys."

"Thirty seconds."

Tony's voice in your ear was all you needed to feel safe, and that this would be okay. You tried to hold back the moisture building in your eyes so that Peter wouldn't see, but it was a pointless battle, and your tears dropped readily, landing on the poor kid's uniform as he struggled to hang on. "We love you, too, Pete. That's why we're not letting this-"

But his hand finally slipped, and time stopped as you watched him fall away from you. It might have been a kinder cut to your heart if he had been wearing his mask, and if you couldn't see the sheer terror in his eyes, but you doubted it and it fueled your decision; you pushed your entire body forward to grasp at him one more time, but your support gave way and you tumbled after him.

"Dammit, woman!" Tony shouted in your ear as he barreled past you and towards Peter first, as he was the closest to impact. "You're trying to kill me, is that what you're doing? How much stress do you think I can take? This is what I get for not demanding a pre-nup, isn't it?"

Imagine If You Assembled The Avengers: Volume 3Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt