Spies Like Us (Parker/Stark/Jones x reader)

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"Let me get this straight. You want to hire me to spy on your pet spider?"

"He's not my pet," Tony snorted, "he's an Avenger, and this girl is getting really close to him. I'm just trying to protect his interests."

"His interests, or yours?"

"Why does it matter so much to you? You're getting paid a pretty hefty fee for a spy in my opinion."

Jessica leaned back in her chair, sitting across from Tony at a coffee shop not too far from her apartment. He had called earlier that morning and was referred to her by Matt Murdock for this job. Ever since she and that damn lawyer worked together, he kept bringing her business and she just wanted a few days off. But when Tony Stark calls and has a wide-open wallet, you take the call, no matter what the job is, and no matter how ridiculous it sounded. "You can afford it."

"Listen, you came highly recommended. Can you follow this girl or not? I just want to be sure that she's legit and not with the kid for the wrong reasons. I can't imagine this will be a tough one for you." With a quick motion, his hand crossed the table and pulled back, leaving an impressive stack of cash within her reach.

"Don't you have that computer girlfriend or mommy or whatever it is that can do this?"

"Yes or no, Jones? Last time I ask."

Chewing on her lip as she considered it, thinking about how he was right, it would be easy work for this kind of cash, but also that if word got out that she was spying on Underoos for Stark, she could lose serious credibility. But, it wasn't often that a man like Tony would seek her out for a job that he could do so easily on his own, and she finally decided that if she were to pass this up it would never happen again.



After a week of just trying to figure out how to even find this kid, who was an impressive master of dodging her, Jessica had finally caught sight of Peter after school one day when he actually went home like he was supposed to. She waited for him every day since her meeting with Stark, but Parker never left the school, no matter which door she tried to watch over. Either he was an amazing student or a nerd with no life, as far as she could tell. She didn't know right away that he would sneak out by different methods on each day so that he could run off and be Spider-Man without being caught.

Well, she had just caught him.

"There you are, you slippery little bastard," she mumbled under her breath, her camera aimed his way and snapping pictures as quickly as she could. "Now, where's that girlfriend of yours, huh? She must be trouble to set off Daddy Wannabe's alarms."

She stayed in place under the train tracks for as long as she could, her eyes and lens trained on him as he walked, his head down and staring at his phone with his fingers rapidly typing on the glass. She couldn't stifle a chuckle when he missed a step and tripped, his beloved device nearly flinging out of his hands but caught at the last second with a quickly aimed web to pull it back.

"Maybe she's in it for the hands," she shrugged to herself. When he had reached the end of her limit of sight she looked around carefully and stepped out into the light to follow, but her breath was caught by what...or rather who she saw standing with him, fingers intertwined as they met for a quick kiss before walking away together.

"Oh, you've got to be fucking kidding me," she groaned. Her posture immediately dropped in defeat as she tossed her camera into her bag to leave. Suddenly the entire operation felt like a set-up, and that whatever joke was being played here wasn't readily laughed at. "I knew I hated Stark for a reason."

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