Brother, Mine (Thor/Loki x reader)

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"But it makes little sense to me," Thor protested with a shake of his head, fueling the chuckles of the group around him, "the surnames used here in Midgard in no way follow the traditional familial standard. I am son of Odin, therefore I am Thor Odinson. The men in your realm seem to have lost their regard for this use of honor, as have the females, who should end their surname in dottir in the same manner. It must be incredibly disrespectful to your families to have lost this practice."

"Yeah, well we aren't all from the same descent, Thor," you explained. "The names in Asgard follow Norse tradition, but not everyone in Midgard does. We come from different nationalities and genealogies here."

Steve was sitting next to you on one of the large couches of the Avengers compound, nodding along with the discussion eagerly while trying to distract you enough to steal the large bowl of popcorn from your lap and failing when your hand cracked a firm slap to his. "Ow! Hey!"

"Get your own."

"That's what I was trying to do," he grumbled, relenting and turning to his teammate instead. "Yeah, Thor. My last name is Rogers, which is the same as my father, but it wasn't his first name."

"Though you do have names that follow this rule, such as Coulson-"

"Phil," you sighed with a remorseful shake of your head, closing your eyes and all but disengaging from the conversation with that simple reference. You decided that your appetite was gone with your rapid shift in mood, but as you handed the bowl to Steve, he was in the same situation and surprisingly declined it.

"Really, Thor? That's the example you had to go with?" Tony hissed under his breath, tipping his drink back for a pained swallow. "Too soon, man. Too soon."

Thor looked at the group in front of him, from one solemn face to the next, not understanding where his transgression lied. "It's been over five of your Earth years," he argued, "so I wish to understand how my comment could be considered as too soon?"

"It always going to be too soon," Steve agreed.

"Alright, children," you interrupted, standing quickly with a look of finality for the topic, "I'm out. You can continue this conversation without me. I have a date"

"Woah, hold up, kiddo," Tony stood to join you, "with who? I don't remember this being brought to our attention. Barton? She ever mention a date to you?"


"Thanks a lot, Clint," you snapped, throwing a sharp glare his way, finding satisfaction when he slunk down into the couch cushions in reply. "Tony, I'm an adult. I don't have to run my dating life by any of you. Thanks for your concern, really, but I'm okay."

"Name and social security number," Steve now added, as if you hadn't just spoken. He had his tablet in hand as if out of nowhere, pulling up the Avengers database and ready to search for this guy who had the audacity to take you out without their expressed permission.

"Steve, back off."

"(Y/N), I don't care that you're an adult. You're an Avenger, and that lends to certain risks. We just don't want anyone trying to take advantage of you to get to us."

"Okay, but just because Sam fell for it that one time, it doesn't mean that I am. I'm not going to fall for shameless hero worship like some people. It takes a lot more than long lashes and pouty lips for me to give it up."

"Chris Evans," Steve coughed under his breath, turning away from your inevitable retaliation as the group around you joined in his laughter.

Imagine If You Assembled The Avengers: Volume 3Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum