What Makes You Happy? (Part 1) (Sam Wilson x reader)

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Sam really did enjoy his morning run. It helped to clear his mind of the noise, the world around him that cluttered his thoughts, so that he could focus on what was most important to him. Today, that just happened to be his own future and what that looked like now that his life had changed so much over the course of the past year. When he came home from war, he was broken, uncertain, and had no idea of how to live the so-called normal life anymore. Fighting was all that he knew, and the nightmares robbed him of sleep so often that he began to haze night and day together. Sleep had become a luxury and he wandered through his life confused and misguided. If he hadn't wandered into the VA building on what had been one of the worst days of his life back at home, there was no telling where he'd be right now. He would still be running, but it would be away from his future and not towards it.

It was strange to think that he was now doing exactly what had saved him, counselling others as they tried to heal from their own experiences, and honestly, it healed him even more. But beyond that and what the group had given him, was the chance to have a future with another person at his side, someone who understood him more than anyone there could. Because he wandered into that very building at that exact moment on that particular day out of all of the others, he met you.

Maybe today would be the day that he pulled together his bravery and asked you the question he never thought he'd ask anyone. Maybe it would be tomorrow, he wasn't sure. He was sure that he was going to ask you soon, and he had never been more certain of anything else in his entire life. There was no way in hell that he'd let anything take you from him now.

"On your left."

Sam snapped out of his own mind and skipped the slightest step at the intrusion into his solitude, ready to turn to whoever this guy thought he was and give him a piece of his mind about etiquette. When he looked to the left that was so rudely pointed out, he fell mute at who he was seeing, and suddenly it didn't matter so much that he was interrupted.

It was Captain Freaking America.

"Weird, didn't think he needed to run," he mumbled to himself, getting back to his thoughts. He had purchased a ring for you weeks ago, he just hadn't decided yet how to propose the right way. Sam wanted it to be perfect, as any man would at such an important moment-

"On your left."

"Uh huh, on my left. Got it."

Jesus, really? He knew this guy was a big deal, being an Avenger and all, but he was really chipping away at the respect that Sam was trying diligently to maintain. The road was completely open out in front of them and there was absolutely no reason for him to have to announce himself. It's not like Sam was running back and forth across the road to where Rogers would have to worry about knocking him over, so what the hell was this guy's play here?

Okay, back to it. At his current pace it would put him home for breakfast by 7am to meet you before you had to leave for work. He made it a point to be there each day since you had moved in with him a month before; it wasn't so much that he didn't think you could get up and out on your own, it was that he couldn't carry out his own day without seeing you first. You had become such a constant in his life that he couldn't imagine not having-

Footsteps again. Very fast footsteps.

"Don't say it!" he warned. "Don't you say it!"

"On your left."

"Come on!"

Sam kicked into high speed as best as his already fatigued legs would let him, but his lungs were burning with each breath and his side began to ache even after only a few agonizing feet. The Captain had taken a ridiculous lead again and was nearly out of sight, so he decided it best to just call it a morning and lay down before he died right there by the reflecting pool. He knew that the guy would be back around just to antagonize him more, so he should at least try to stay alive for it.

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