Wedding Preperation

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Danny and I told everyone about our plan to get married before my mom goes back to Elberta. They all loved the idea and were so excited to pitch in. Mom asked Dad how he felt about her moving here, he was hesitant at first but eventually told her he didn't hate the idea and even offered for her to just live in the cabin since it never gets used anymore anyways. Dad then hired Mom to be the ranch's cook after discovering how much of an improvement her cooking has had since they were married. The ranch hands were pleased with this idea too, since Rocky wouldn't be the one doing the cooking anymore. Though, Rocky has improved quite a bit since I first moved here.

When Danny asked Dylan to be his best man, Dylan was speechless. Given their past, I guess Dylan never even thought Danny would consider him to be an option, or even just a groomsman. I wasn't able to be there when Danny asked Dylan, but I did hear the story from both sides and from Andy too, who didn't feel bad that Danny didn't ask him. He was more than happy to be the photographer. I guess when Danny asked Dylan, it took Dylan almost five minutes to respond with a simple "Yes.", so typical for him.

Dylan and Tricia, who was happy to be my bridesmaid, have been getting pretty close lately, it wouldn't surprise me if they were dating. They practically hang out all the time. It's nice to see Dylan has moved on with his life and found another girl, maybe even the one that God has chosen for him. They do make quite the cute couple.

Mira was overjoyed when I asked her to be my maid of honor. She was so happy I asked her of the entire very few women I'm close to in this town. I think she did kind of expect me to ask though, seeing as though she is my best friend, other than Danny of course. She offered to help my mom with the food for the reception too, even though Danny and I never even discussed having food other than the cake. Mira can be pretty persuasive though, so I guess we are having food at the reception now.

Eliza and Grandma Barb have already started the work on my wedding dress, they have the fabric they want and now all they have left is making the dress and the fitting, which shouldn't take much time at all for them to do. They are very skilled when it comes to making clothing. From the sketches I saw, they plan on making my dress a little fancier than I would have chosen, but I'm not against it one bit. The dress and cake are probably going to be the fanciest thing in the wedding.

Amy has been busy trying out new cake recipes and has had Danny and me try every single one. Some of them have been good, and all the others were just plain gross to be honest, even if Danny liked a few of them. I think at this point, we would be better off just going with a white cake and coloring it blue and using orange frosting to match our wedding colors. Amy refuses to give up so quickly, so she keeps trying more and more recipes. I think I'm going to be sick of cake by the time the wedding comes.

Grandpa Steve loved the idea of making Danny and I a new mailbox. He started to sketch ideas the first day we asked if he would do it for us, though we didn't allow him to show it to us. I think Grandma Barb is happy about it too. This project is safer than some of the last few projects Grandpa Steve has been working on and a lot less stressful on him. After his accident, Grandma Barb has been weary of him doing much of anything that requires a lot of labor and that could be stressful on him. Grandpa Steve tries to be as careful as possible and has changed his eating habits to what the doctor told him to. He has tried his best to keep another accident from happening. Having to stay off his feet for a while really took a toll on him mentally. He works a little too hard most days and everyone has gotten after him at one time or another. At least with this mailbox, he has a big time period to work on it and it won't take him too much to do.

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