Engagement Announcements

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 Dylan and I have gathered all our friends and family together at his house for a special announcement after last night's event. Mira and Lily are the first to arrive. I watch as Lily drags Dylan into his office to get the details from last night. I can't help but laugh as the scene takes place in front of me; Lily's small frame dragging Dylan's much larger frame down the hall.

"Help me! Help me! I'm being kidnapped!" Dylan yells towards, well, only me. Mira, Gwenn, and Andy were here just a few minutes ago. They must have gone to a different room in the house without me noticing.

"Sorry Dylan, you’re on your own with this one." I yell back.

"Goodbye cruel world! I will miss you most..." Dylan looks around the hallway before pointing to a picture. "Picture of a random nature scene that my mom found at a yard sale for me." I shake my head at Dylan's silliness.

I decide to search the rest of the house for the others after Dylan and Lily disappear into the office. I find Gwenn in the living room watching 'Looney Tunes', one of her favorite cartoons. I will admit, it is one of my favorite cartoons too, but Andy is the one who got Gwenn hooked on it.

"Do you know where your dad and Mira went to?" I ask Gwenn.


"Well, if you see them, can you let them know I'm looking for them?"

"Sure thing, Aunt Meli."

I leave Gwenn to her cartoons and continue my search for Andy and Mira. I finally find them in the kitchen, holding hands. I decide it best to not say anything and wait for them to notice me.

"Meli? Hi!" Andy says as he quickly lets go of Mira's hands.

"Am I missing something here?"

"You didn't tell her?!?" Mira whisper yells at Andy.

"I thought you told her!" Andy whisper yells back.

"I didn't tell her, I thought you were going to tell her!"

"Tell me what?" I ask.

"She's your best friend!"

"She's your sister!"

"Will you two quit arguing about who should have told me long enough to tell me what it is that you need to tell me?!?" I yell.

"Well, you see, Andy and I....." Mira starts to talk, but stops herself.

"What Mira is trying to say is that we're a couple." Andy says.

"When did this happen?"

"About two months ago."

"How did I not see this? The two of you have been going out for a couple months and I have been completely oblivious to that fact."

"We weren't very obvious about it. It's not like we announced it to the whole town." Mira says.

"Plus, you've been kind of busy the past few months Meli." Andy says.

"Busy? How have I been busy?"

"Becoming the almost newest Grant of course."

"Wait, you and Dylan are going to get married? I'm so happy for you two!" Mira says.

"Thanks! We were going to announce it together in front of everyone, but Andy just ruined the surprise for you."

"Andy! How could you?!"

"She is like your best friend, she can know early."

"Maybe I wanted to tell her myself."

"You could barely tell mom over the phone this morning."

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