Dylan's Point Of View 4: Date Prep

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By the time I reach my house, Ben and Gabe are already inside the house. I walk in and realize that my house no longer smells like wet paint, which means that I can put flooring in anytime now. The house is empty inside except for the paint stuff and boxes of flooring. The boys are running around from room to room, exploring my big house. It's two stories with an attic and basement, both finished. There are many rooms and I'm not even sure how I will use all of them.

"Your house is amazing!" I catch Ben say as he runs by me and away from Gabe.

"I want a house just like this when I grow up!" Gabe says. The boys run up the stairs, Gabe almost tripping on the way up.

"Just be careful you two, I don't want to have to make a trip to the hospital." I yell up the stairs and walk to the kitchen, well where the kitchen is going to be at least. The room is completely empty, there aren't even any cabinets mounted to the wall. "This is the room." I say quietly to myself.

"The room for what?" Rex asks. I didn't even know he came over, he's so quiet.

"You scared me!" I yell at him, but don't turn around, and he laughs. "Tonight- tonight I'm going to ask Meli to marry me." I stare dreamily towards the floor of my unfinished kitchen. "This is the room I'm going to do it in."

"You're really going through with this?"

"I know you think I'm crazy for doing it, but I want to. I don't think I've ever wanted to do anything more in my life."

"Do you need any help with your setup?" I snap out of my dreamy state and face Rex.

"You, the man who told me this wasn't a good idea, is asking me if I need help?"

"That's what I just said."

"I could use all the help with this I can get. I was hoping to ask Andy to come help me, but he's keeping the girls distracted. Did Buzz come with you or did you come alone?"

"He came over with me, but I think he's chasing the boys around upstairs."

"Hey Dylan!" Buzz yells from the kitchen doorway. It looks like he is slightly out of breath.

"Hey Buzz, I could really use your help. You aren't busy right now, are you?"

"Nah, Uncle Jack gave us the day off. What do you need my help with?"

"I'm proposing to Meli tonight-"

Buzz cuts me off. "You're what?!"

"Proposing to Meli tonight and I could really use your help with the setup."

"Tonight? Why tonight?"

"Meli and I are going out on a date tonight, here, and I already have the ring and the blessings from Jack and Andy. Why not tonight?"

"I thought when you asked us, you meant like in the near future, maybe at least a week from now, not tonight. What if she isn't ready? What if she doesn't feel like she wants to get married yet?"

"She's definitely ready. She's been ready for years. She'll say yes Dylan, I know she will." Rex says.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa! I thought you were the one that didn't want me to move so quickly Rex and you were the one that was all gung-ho about this whole thing Buzz. You two have got to stop changing your opinions on me, it's confusing."

"I was, but I changed my mind." The twins say in unison.

"Stop changing your minds, you confuse me." Our conversation is interrupted by someone yelling.

"Dylan!" One of the boys yells from the family room area connected to the kitchen-to-be.

"In here!" I yell and peek my head out of the doorframe to see Ben and Gabe going into the room I plan on using as my office. They turn around to find the direction from where my voice is coming. As they see me, they come running towards me.

Sparks Reignited (The Extended Hobson Family Trilogy: book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora