Dylan's Point Of View 2: In Need Of Blessings

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What Meli said to me last night, about Gwenn's "crazy" idea of Meli and I getting married, really got me thinking. It isn't such a crazy idea.

I called Rex and Buzz last night and asked them to meet me at the park today to talk. I would have asked Andy to join us too, but I want to talk about his sister, so I didn't think that would be such a good idea. I arrive at the park and the twins are waiting for me by the basketball courts, just like they would six years before. Rex is holding a basketball.

"I figured we could shoot and talk." Rex says as I approach them.

"Sure. It'll be just like old times."

"So what did you want to talk to us about?" Buzz asks as Rex takes a shot and misses.

"I want to know if you two think I'm crazy." Rex and Buzz look at each other than back at me.

"You asked us to come here just so we could tell you you're crazy! We could have just told you that over the phone." Buzz says.

"I haven't even said why I think I might be crazy yet."

"Then tell us." Rex says.

"I think I want to get married." Buzz, who was about to take a shot, drops the ball. The twins stare at me, mouths agape.

"M-Married?!" They stutter.

"That's what I said, isn't it? I think I want to ask for Meli's hand in marriage."

"Don't you think you're moving a little fast here? I mean, you've only been back for three weeks and the two of you haven't even gone on one date yet." Rex says.

"I don't think you're moving too quickly. You love Meli and Meli loves you. You two were basically a couple seven years ago." Buzz says.

"We weren't a couple." I try to say, but am drowned out by the twins arguing.

"I think you should wait a whole longer."

"No, you should go for it. Ask Uncle Jack for Meli's hand in marriage."

"I should have known better than to ask you two. You always give me two different answers then spend hours arguing about it. I think I'll seek advice elsewhere for now. See you guys." The twins continue their argument as I walk back to my car.


I decide to drive over to Jack's house and talk to him. He has always been great at helping me find clarity.

"Hey Dylan, I'm surprised to see you here." Jack says after he opens his front door.

"Meli and Andy aren't here are they?" I ask.

"No, I haven't seen head or tails of them all day. Are you looking for them?"

"No, I'm actually here to talk to you."

"Well come on in. What do you want to talk to me about?" Jack leads us to his living room and we both take a seat before continuing.

"I want to talk to you about Meli."

"What about her?"

"You'll probably think I'm crazy, but I think I want to marry her sir."

"You think! or you know?"

"I know I want to marry her. I love her."

"I don't doubt that for a second, but you have only been back in her life for a few weeks. Don't you think you may be moving a little fast here. You were gone for six years and didn't say a single word to her."

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